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  • Twidium - Get more followers instantly! Tool for clever mass following. The program uses mass following Twidium sends following requests to related accounts interested in following you. So the number of followers you have increases. 7 days working absolutely FREE! 
  • - New! of Announce your Brand on a Top Twitter Directory by listings yourself or Advertise on our network of websites for a flat monthly fee.
  • Promoted Tweeps - New! Become a Promoted Tweep on Pay only for the new followers you get from our network. Unlimited ad clicks and impressions until you run out of follows. You only pay for the follows you get directly from our app network. You pay as you go, there are no contracts or activation fees. Target by country and language. Pay from 0.50USD per follow. @followfridaycom
  • New!- Boost your product marketing by offering exclusive coupons to your followers! Our unique technology bypass your coupons to millions of users in seconds.
  • - Submit your Twitter Apps (All in one App repository for Twitter widgets, plugins, extensions, etc)
  • Gremln- FREE Twitter Business and Marketing Tools. Recently named a "Top 5 Twitter Business App" by PCWorld Magazine and CIO Magazine.  Features: Full Client, multi-user management, schedule, recurring, calendar, translation into over 40 languages, spell check , URL shortener, multi-user management...& more! (
  • twitAdmin: Twitter Marketing Platform - effective way to promote your blog, products, website or videos. Exchange your tweets for credits
  • Twitter Advertising - Advertise on Twitter! Buy and sell advertsing in Twitter streams. Publishers can donate a % of their earnings to their favorite charity or cause.
  • Cuesense - finds ideas and opinions in tweets, blogs, and links and provides social publishing tools like multimedia slideshows, testimonial widgets, and conversation starters. Uses sentiment analytics for emotion grading and NLP for topic discovery.
  • - PayPerTweet connects advertisers to Twitter users in a way that allows the user to be both, selective and genuine.  Users will only tweet ads that are right for them, their followers, and the client.  This allows the advrtiser to connect with the Twitersphere in a conversational and organic way, a new paradigm in marketing.
  • Socialized Card : Lets your followers access your entire social network profiles. Socialized Card holds your entire social identity. Let your viewers connect with you on all social network site's you belongs to using your twitter profile url
  • Taweet - Taweet (beta) is a free Twitter application and social calendar that allows people and businesses to streamline promotional scheduling for events, product launches, lifecasting and more! (
  • Tawidget - Easily promote your upcoming events on any website or blog and share your events to Twitter with the Tawidget Events Widget. (
  • Tweet-U-Later  -Schedule tweets 1 minute or 1 year in the future. Recurring message feature by the day, week, month or year so complete advertising programs can be planned in advance.  Access via web browser or via your unique securely encoded email address.Full functionality is free.
  • - TwitArt offers custom Twitter avatars and backgrounds for both personal and professional use. You can add your own pictures, pick your own style, and even request edits for under $90.00 for both. If you're looking for custom background images and design at a very reasonable price, check out
  • TwitMesh - Create groups, send invitations to your followers. Twitter IM to chat with your friends via Twitter. Streaming search fom twitter and more.
  • twitRobot - An arsenal of Twitter Marketing tools which are mainly intended for corporate users. Blast your product link to twitter and drive huge traffic to your site. Here you can come across a list of applications letting you automate some aspects of the process, scheduling future tweets and posting recurring updates for corporate purposes. Moreover, it is possible to add RSS feeds to any Twitter account.
  • - 100% custom Twitter backgrounds for businesses and companies advertising on Twitter. Not having a professional, custom background can really dampen your marketing efforts. Clients and customers place a perception on your company and how you do business by appearance in less than 3 seconds. Leverage the power of Twitter the right way.
  • - an advertising network for twitter - where advertisers can reach millions of twitter users and twitterers can earn money for tweeting. Twivert offers CPC advertising.



  • -  New!  Social Media CRM Dashboard. Analytics reports, Twitter list management, follow/unfollow tracking, powerfull followers search engine and more.
  • TweetFindTools New! FREE Twitter Management Tools. Dashboard, Discovery Tool, Schedule Tweets, Address Book, Klout, Clean up Tool, Follow Tool and More!
  • - New! Twitter ranking of the most recommended tweeps based on the #followfriday recommendations. Check who recommends you and who you have recommended. @followfridaycom
  • - New! See which users get their tweets on Twitter’s home page the most. The best way to find the most influential people on Twitter  whether famous or not. @resonancers 
  • Twitter app statistics- Exhaustive list of all twitter applications ranked according to the number of tweets posted from them. Also shows whether an app is used for replying to messages or mostly for broadcasting.
  • - Post coupons to your followers and keep track about your coupon.
  • - Spanish Twitter Ranking based on #followfriday recommendations. Find the best spanish twitters. @followfriday_es
  • Tweettronics - Provides extensive brand, product, and topic tracking over time, and tools to examine and identify influential Twitter users.
  • Twitter Stats - Statistics for Twitter by entered search keywords. Provides number of tweets for chosen keyword in latest 24 hours. Enter keyword and find out how much buzz is around it.
  • Web2express Digest - Web2express Digest is a free website for you to follow real time conversations by topics and tweet about topics interesting to you. Daily new topics are auto-discovered from twitter streaming data by open tools inluding OpenCalais semantic analysis and OpenNLP. You can create any topic interesting to you and set up a set of keywords for retrieving more complete list of twitter conversations. Individuals will find it a convenient way to stay on top of what's going on at the moment. Businesses may use it to effectively monitor conversations concerning their products, brands or competitors. 
  • The Archivist: Save and Export Twitter Searches Before They Go Away If you have used Twitter search before, you may notice that you can only go back a certain amount of time and/or number of tweets for a given search.  The Archivist is a Windows application that runs on your local system and allows you to archive tweets for later data-mining and analysis for a given search.
  • TwitterAnalyzer - is one of the most extensive Twitter applications ever... basically, its a tool for Twitter users to analyze themselves or their friends, but Twitter Analyzer takes the statistics data to a much higher level... (it is called by some Twitter users the "Google Analytics for Twitter users") and rightly so, TwitterAnalyzer features more then 50 statistics measures displayed in 3D graphs and World Maps enabling surgical precision tuning of your twitter stream... you would discover many things about your or your friends Twitter presence... you can even share your statistics with your friends.
  • - is a top 20 list of everything on twitter including stats, users, and trends.
  • WhenDidYouJoinTwitter - enter a username and it will tell you when that account was created - can't be much simpler.
  • ObjectiveMarketer - is one of the first, enterprise grade end-to-end campaign management, analytics and community engagement solution. It has all the basic features of any content authoring and publishing tool like Posting, URL Shortening, tracking, scheduling, multi account management. PLUS it is the only available application that provides Camapign Management across Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook. It has advanced patent pending technology to measure and map the audience sentiment that lets marketers optimize their message. Analytics based on geographic location, and other demographic data, along with ability to set and monitor several keywords and competition matrix and Buzz Factor - ObjectiveMarketer is the one-stop solution for marketers. It brings strategy on social channels.
  • TweetBuzzer lets you track the brand buzz on Twitter. You can see the top tweeted brands in a 24 hour, 7-day, or 30-day period. You can also track your favorite brand, see the percentage change over time in tweets and impressions, and submit a brand to be tracked. 
  • Klout - Discover how influential you are on Twitter.  See who influences your friends and measure the impact of your content.
  • Who Has More Followers - Enter 2 twitter usernames and compare how many followers they have.
  • is an eco-social experiment.  The idea is to get Twitter users to Tweet about their environmentally friendly activities and to encourage their Twitter followers to do the same.  (We call these good hearted folks eco-Tweeters)  At we’re hoping that eco-Tweeters will use hashtags listed in our Hashtags section to tag the specific Green Act they are Tweeting about.  By doing this can collect and publish data on Green Acts being performed by eco-Tweeters.
  • When did my friends join twitter - Find out when your friends joined twitter.
  • - See who you mention on Twitter, who mentions you, and who is mentioned the most.
  • - Tracks interesting statistics about Twitter users, including average tweets per day, social participation ratio and most commonly tweeted keywords.
  • Twitteryam - a service that lets twitters know how much their twitters are worth.
  • How Interesting Are You? - Calculates scores for tweeters on a variety of topics.

Backgrounds / Wallpapers 




Browser Plugins / Extensions

  • (Chrome app) -  New!  Social Media CRM Dashboard. Analytics reports, Twitter list management, follow/unfollow tracking, powerfull followers search engine and more.
  • - shows Google and Twitter results side by side in a very clean and super fast interface. THERE ARE NO ADVERTISEMENTS WHATSOEVER. Also a browser plugin can be downloaded so you can search from the top right of your browser.
  • SpellBound for Twitter This Firefox add-on enables you to spell check your Tweets! Works much better than your built-in spell-checker.
  • Yoono - Yoono is a Firefox extension that supports Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Flickr and all IM (MSN, GTalk, AIM, Yahoo). With Yoono you can share images, videos and text of any web pages!
  • TwitrPix Express for Firefox - A Mozilla Firefox add-on that lets you to share any photo from any web page (including sending an optional status update) directly from within Firefox.  As the entire experience requires only 2 clicks and the user never leaves the web page they are on, there is no break in their flow.
  • Twitter Toolbar - This is a Mozilla Firefox add-on. Publish tweets right from the Twitter Toolbar without leaving the page you are on, and easily save common tweets. Menu bar makes for quick links to common Twitter pages. Works great with Mozilla's Flock as well.
  • Power Twitter - Firefox add-on.  Makes Twitter Better. Power Twitter adds features to the Twitter Web interface including:

    -inline YouTube, Flickr, TwitPic, Google Maps,, and all sorts of playable/viewable media

    -link expansion (from URL shortened versions by or TinyURL to actual URL)

    -link translation to page titles

    -search scoped to a specific user

    -status history peeking on mouseover

    -Facebook status updates

    -custom settings

    -@mentions of friends on profile pages

    -photo uploading

    -link shrinking


  • TwitterFox - TwitterFox is a Firefox extension that notifies you of your friends' status on Twitter.
  • Lynki Conversations - Tweet your comments from any page your on. Also see what people are saying about that article, page or video without leaving the page.
  • is a simple bookmarklet to tweet faster. On it adds a RT This! quick command to every tweet. On any other website it gets the selected text, the url and redirect you to ready to tweet.




  • Skril - Create and host online contests for free which allow your entrants to login via Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Google, Yahoo, and FriendFeed. Features stats, following, and handles status updates for entrants who elect to promote your contest for you. @getskril

  • Tweet4Gifts ~ Want to win free gifts? Then tweet 4 Gifts is the app for you. Post a tweet for your chance to win gifts like Ipods, mp3 players, gift cards and more.



  • bubble - bubble helps you find someone based on your tweets, friends and followers. @twitbubble

  • qmpeople - Synch your Twitter updates across The Net. @qmpeople
  • Plenty Of Tweeps - Search local twitter users, anonymously connect and then go on dates!

Diet - Calorie Counter

  • FitClick Diet Tweets - Track food and count calories, carbs, fat & more with FitClick Diet Tweets. Tweet the food you eat and FitClick will automatically journal the food you eat and all it's nutrition information, and then compare to your weight loss goals.  It's Free.


  • -New! Twitter Directory with Twitter Lists  - Search Twitter Lists, Businesses, Users, & Celebrities - Get More Twitter Followers @TweetFind
  • - New! Twitter ranking of the most recommended tweeps based on the #followfriday recommendations. Check who recommends you and who you have recommended. @followfridaycom 
  • GeoFollow: Twitter Directory - Geo (location based) twitter user search. (Add youself to the directory by sending @geofollow YOUR CITY, YOUR STATE YOUR ZIP #tag1 #tag2 #tag3. EG: @geofollow Walnut Creek, CA 94596 #directory #geek #people
  • Socialized Card : Lets your followers access your entire social network profiles. Socialized Card holds your entire social identity. Let your viewers connect with you on all social network site's you belongs to using your twitter profile url
  • CampusTweet - College networking directory site that connects students with their university.
  • LocaFollow - A Tool For Searching and Following Other Twitterers - A Twitter search engine that enables you to locate and follow Twitter users by searching in their Bio and Location fields.
  • Twibes Twitter Groups - Twitter affinity groups. Find people with similar interests.
  • Tweeple411 ~ World's first Tweeple driven Directory. Find people with similar interests to follow or add your Twitter or FriendFeed page. Power to the Tweeple!
  • TweetsLounge - A Yelp style Twitter directory of neighborhood businesses using Twitter.
  • TweetNI - Twitter directory for Northern Ireland
  • Twinester - Twinester lets you create or join groups and communities for Twitter. These groups are called Nests.
  • Twitter-Athletes - A directory of verified professional athletes on Twitter. (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, MMA, etc)
  • Twitter Directory 2000 - Twitter users that have a minimum of 2,000 followers and have updated status within the last 30 days. Also offers follow and be followed status.
  • Twitwho - Human-edited directory of Twitter users organized by categories.
  • Zellr - Directory for twitter users. Members can link their twitter profiles with facebook, twitpic, rss, digg and other accounts in a single profile.
  • ReadWriteTweet - Directory of YA authors, characters, and reviewers, as well literary agents, on Twitter. 
  • RetweetFollow - RetweetFollow lets you search by keywords in URLs tweeted and to easily follow the retweeters. You can also create lists, export the results, thank the RTs.


  • DrawTweet - Lets you create drawings and send them to Twitter running Adobe AIR using the Wacom Bamboo Dock Platform allowing pressure sensitivity. (Uses Twitpic service) 


  • TweetFind Blog - New! Twitter & Social Media Tips, Tricks & News
  • Tagxta! Post, Share and Track videos, photos, songs, events, documents, notes, links and more on Twitter and Facebook. Follow @tagxta on Twitter
  • TwttrBlogs - Create Blogs and automatically post them to your Twitter account through TwitterFeed. Interact with your followers
  • TweetUrMusic - The twitter Music Jukebox Tweet and listen your best music songs with the community. follow @michelem

  • TwiMovie Track movie tweets.
  • TwitComings Get relevant and real-time twitter reactions about your favorite events. Feel free to inform us about your events.
  • Tweet your wine, beer and cocktail tasting notes (along with a photo) and a drink blog will be created for you
  • - Celebrity Tweets and TwitPics, weekly featured celeb, search and A-Z browse. follow @celebirdies.
  • - A realtime feed of what all the celebs are tweeting about, displayed in a format that you can watch all day long.
  • HotList.PeopleBrowsr - What are Twitter users saying about top celebrities, travel destinations, stocks, airlines and much more?
  • News.PeopleBrowsrMonitor trending topics over a time interval. Create and apply your own filter or select a keyword. Publish your news Tweets and share them within your network: become a news editor!
  • TwitaSong - Schedule your song of the day (#sotd) tweet in advance so you never miss a day.
  • Pornstar Tweet! The daily lives of the hottest Porn Stars on twitter -- all in one place.
  • ALTGirlTweet! The daily lives of the hottest ALT Girls on twitter -- all in one place.
  • WebGirlTweet! The daily lives of the hottest Web Girls and Cam Girls on twitter -- all in one place.
  • GlamTweet! The daily lives of the hottest Models on twitter -- all in one place.
  • BBWGirlTweet! The daily lives of the hottest BBW Girls on twitter -- all in one place.
  • GayStarTweet! The daily lives of the hottest Gay Porn Stars on twitter -- all in one place.
  • ComedyTweet The daily lives of the funniest comedians on twitter -- all in one place!
  • - find how compatible you are with your friend/follower - total entertainment!
  • - Official home of the "drunk tweet" - Drink. Tweet. Be Merry!

In-Game - Second Life

  • TwitterBox -- a Twitter client for Second Life.
  • -- a Twitter HUD for Second Life, includes mapping, notes, research, SLURL logs. On or off modes.
  • -- a Second Life specific SLURL builder and long SLURL or Second Life compression too so Twitter users know the content is relevant or an in-world (metaverse) destination.
  • Squawk -- A Twitter client for Second Life. Also supports Ma.gnolia, and Jaiku. Integrates with Squawknest, a web component with user profiles, tagging and web maps.
  • - A global IM/twitter/diary service for Second Life.


  • - The game that tests your Twitter trend knowledge.  Guess the terms that people are talking about on Twitter right now and win a medal or badge of honor!
  • OpenChatVille - Mix and Mingle with Twitter, Facebook, Myspace Users at one place!. OpenChatVille is virtual playground where Twitter, Facebook, Myspace users meet friends, chat each other. You can boast your profile and expand your social network through our exciting virtual platform.(@OpenChat)
  • TwiDrink - buy drink to your twitter friends.
  • Tagnic - A reputation game that you play with your friends and followers on Twitter. Trade points with other players and earn badges to display on your Twitter page.
  • 140 Blood - Embark on an epic fantasy adventure sprawling through heaven and hell.  Make new friends as you battle orcs, demons, and dragons!
  • GamerDNA - track gameplay from Xbox Live, Steam, Xifre, etc., and rebroadcast to Twitter.
  • twttrblogs ~ games - TwttrBlogs now has tons of flash games! WHen you play a game on TwttrBlogs your score is recorded for all members to see! You can even challenge other Twitter/TwttrBlogs members to a game to see who's the best!! 
  • GuessWord - remember Mastermind? Well this game is similar. The GuessWord server hides a word and you try to guess what it is. Tweet any word to @GuessWord and you will get clues to the mystery word within 20 seconds. Be the first to get the points. As a never-ending game, a new round is constantly created after one completes.
  • FlockPoker - With FlockPoker you can create your own Texas Hold 'Em poker table and invite people through one simple link. It's easy and free, try it.
  • - The Twitter app Tweets all your game play, sharing your favorite games with your friends.
  • TWord_Chains - A morphing word game where you change one word into another following rules. Played with tweets so that people know when a chain has been changed. A word chain is like: MILK ... MILE ... LIMES ... SLIMED. This game is co-operative rather than competitive.
  • Tweepshoot - A Wild West Shoot-em-up on iPhone that tests how well you know your friends.  There's also a list of the most wanted spammers, and players can brand their own spammers to help out in the war on spam.  Follow @Tweepshoot to find out more.
  • Twrivia - Daily trivia quiz. Dispensing useful topical trivia. Prizes some days. Answers and players' leaderboard are shown at the website:
  • TweetMyGaming - real-time feed of everything game/videogame related on Twitter.
  • Tweet Words - A tweet-based mystery words games. Clues are tweeted to followers about every 5 minutes. Tweet back with your guess. A leaderboard is maintained. Follow @Tweet_Words to get your clues. Once the current word or phrase is complete, a new one starts automatically.
  • Tweet Quiz - A tweet-based quiz where you must find hidden words and phrases using clues that are periodically tweeted. For example, a challenge might entail "Things associated with a Volcano" or "A meal or food made with Eggs". Tweet your answers with an @reply or play on-line. Slight misspellings are tolerated.
  • Twetris - A tetris like game that uses the latest tweets from the twittosphere as blocks for the game.
  • Twirl of Riches [beta] - A phrase guessing game in gameshow format similar to hangman. (By @TwtGames)
  • Twtpets - A simple twitter game for pet lovers. Upload a picture of your pet. Share it with your tweeple via a short url. Vote on the cutest pet. Disclaimer: All pets are cute! No username/password required. (By @twtapps)
  • Which Twitter Celebrity Are You? - A fun quiz. Answer a few questions and we'll tell you which celeb you are most similar to!
  • Whose Tweet? - A game that tests how well you know your Twitter friends. Can you figure out whose status message this is?
  • TweetTest - A collection of 6 mini-games that use data from your public Tweets.
  • Tweetaways - an easy way to pick a random person who has tweetwed a specific phrase.  Handy for drawing winners on free giveaways on Twitter.
  • tmtt -An easy app to calculate your tweets traveling time. Know the power of your tweet.

Geo Social

  • - New! Twitter ranking of the most recommended tweeps based on the #followfriday recommendations. Check who recommends you and who you have recommended. @followfridaycom
  • New!-Post your product discounts and  coupons locally search able.

  • twitAdmin - Exchange your tweets , promote your website or blog on the most easy and effective way

  • GeoFollow- Find Local Twitter Users - Geo (location based) twitter user directory. (Add youself on twitter by sending @geofollow YOUR CITY, YOUR STATE YOUR ZIP #tag1 #tag2 #tag3. EG: @geofollow Walnut Creek, CA 94596 #directory #geek #people

  • - is a location-based social shopping app that allows you to share photos and tweets on amazing finds as you stumble upon them. You can tweet using our iphone app or add a "just bought" button to your online store! Go shopping and discover where the hottest deals are in town and get instant feedback from your twitter community!Tweetmondo - Share your location and meet people nearby in real time.

  • OnlineGlobeGrid - OnlineGlobeGrid - Find & Talk to users within your city, zipcode, within radius of a mile of your location, even people on your street or even your nextdoor neighbors.Sign in & mark your location. Get more friends, Get more Business, Get more Information in your local area or anywhere on the globe. Real time geo social networking powered by Twitter
  • TwitArea - This application allows users to easily insert and share local place information (businesses, points of interest, etc.) in their tweets. Think of it as "TwitPic for places"
  • LocaFollow - A Tool For Searching and Following Local Twitterers - A Twitter search engine that enables you to locate and follow Twitter users by searching in their Bio and Location fields.

  • Textwit - Textwit is a full featured Twitter client for Windows, that takes advantage of Geolocation searches. It's capable of adding timelines from places (with its integrated place locator), find places mentioned on a tweet and add as many place timelines you like and see what people are tweeting there. Plus it has the whole set of features you come to expect from others.

Groups and Organizations

  • BrandSentiment.PeopleBrowsrA sentiment tool that allows to track your brand's buzz, customers and competitors. BrandSentiment classifies Tweets as positive or negative. Export ready-to-print brand sentiment reports.
  • Business.PeopleBrowsrManage and share your corporate account.See Tweets WIP Status and monitor your agents. Access social PRM tools.
  • Hashwork - Hashwork equips every employee in a company to connect and share Twitter-style in three ways: (1) publicly with customers, prospects and others, (2) internally with co-workers, and (3) in groups, involving people inside and outside the company. Hashwork provides a social presence on the web for the company and its community of employees, customers, prospects and partners. Hashwork integrates bi-directionally with Twitter, so that you can automatically share your tweets with your company's community, and you can attach files, images, and Wiki-style formatted text to your tweets on Twitter.
  • ConnectTweet - Groups and businesses are made up of many people, not faceless Twitter bots or a single person's voice. ConnectTweet facilitates your voices combining.
  • PRM.PeopleBrowsrA tactical tool to manage your personal relationships online: follow, unfollow, filter and message quickly by multiple accounts.
  • Tinker - Tinker is a simple way to discover events people are chattering about on Twitter.
  • Tweetizen - Discover tweets that matter to you. Create groups based on your interests and filter tweets that you want to read. You no longer will have to scan through thousands of tweets to find something useful. You can find groups on technology, jobs, gossip, news - think, but for tweets.
  • TweetLaw - An application specifically for legal professionals. Legal professionals who join TweetLaw can fill out an extended bio page as well as include themselves in up to 4 legal categories.  You can then sort tweets by categories and user.
  • TweetMind a fully featured desktop app supporting multiple color coded accounts, groups, automatic URL shortening, CoTags and much more.
  • Tweetworks - With groups and threaded discussions, Tweetworks makes tweeting more useful by tuning out the noise and letting you participate in the conversations that interest you most.
  • ComTweets - A service for enterprise workers on twitter. ComTweets makes it easy to discover other employees on twitter, follow their tweets and latest URLs they're talking about. Customers can also easily find out whether an account is authentic for the organization.
  • Twit4 - Twit4 enables companies to organize twitter accounts relevant to their business all in one spot.
  • - Create groups, send invitations to your followers. Twitter IM to chat with your friends via Twitter. Streaming search fom twitter and more..

Follow Management

See FollowManagementApps page

Forums & Message Boards

  • Tagxta! Post, Share and Track videos, photos, songs, events, documents, notes, links and more on Twitter and Facebook. Follow @tagxta on Twitter
  • Tweetply - Tweetply tracks popular tweets that with a lot of replies.
  • Tweetboard - Tweetboard creates an instant Twitter-powered forum for your website. It introduces your readers to your Twitter activity and encourages participation while bringing traffic back to your website. Tweetboard also reformats tweets into threaded conversations with unlimited nesting, making it significantly easier to follow actual discussions that are occurring on Twitter.
  • Twitoaster - Threads and archives twitter conversations like on a message board / forum, bringing you all the background, context and statistics you need.
  • SumtnSumtn - SumtnSumtn brings Twitter-conversation directly onto websites. Just open the sidebar on any webpage and talk about it with others.
  • Twithelp - People helping people via Twitter (conversations are organised in a forum format) 

File sharing and storage

  • Tagxta! Post, Share and Track videos, photos, songs, events, documents, notes, links and more on Twitter and Facebook. Follow @tagxta on Twitter
  • Filetwt - Brings the much needed file sharing to twitter. Publicly tweet your files in twitter stream or privately as direct messages.
  • FileSocial - Tweet your files! All you have to do is sign in with twitter, write some text, and attach the document you want to share.
  • Hashwork - Hashwork lets you attach files, images, and Wiki-style formatted text to your tweets on Twitter.  You can tweet files, images and formatted text from the Hashwork Web site and from email.
  • TweetCube - Allows sharing of files via Twitter, from MP3s to PDF, Images to Excel files. Just log in and Tweet.
  • TwitDoc - The EASY way to share your documents on twitter.
  • Twitizer - Easily share long messages, photos/pictures (optionally geotagged), video clips and audio clips (including podcasts) from your mobile phone or PC and get them published on Twitter, without any special application. All you need is e-mail, MMS or a browser. App developers can get access to Twitizer's API on request.

Fitness - Training

  • Ugomo - Log your workouts from twitter and get stats, summaries and reports. Get started by sending a message like this:  #run 30 min 4 miles 165bpm @ugomo
  • w8track - Record your weight via direct messages from Twitter. Track history, trends, and averages on the Web. Follow @w8track to get started.


  • twitLOL - LOL in under 140 characters. Share funny tweets from the sites and add your own.
  • TwttrBlogs - Need more than 140 characters? All Twitter users have a blog on TwttrBlogs. Simply connect to the app.
  • twiStamp - Create Stamp shaped twitter avator using existing twitter profile image.
  • Fave140 - A free application where you can create custom, personalized backgrounds with pictures of your top friends. Similar to top friends on MySpace. Really simple and free. No uploading required.
  • twitspect - Send respect and karma to twitter users by including @twitspect in your tweets: e.g. "sending @joe some @twitspect for retweeting that URL!" Then visit to see who is being respected right now. Also check your own karma, and even get a widget to show your twitspect on your blog.
  • twitRobot Freak your friends using upside down twitter messages like this "sʇǝǝʍʇ pǝdılɟ". Let your friends read the messages from upside down. Lots of other features like bulk follow, Bulk follow filters, Auto posting, RSS posting, future tweets etc..
  • Twipestry - A small app that creates a tapestry of images relating to keywords from a user's tweets.
  • twitter in colors -twitter in colors displays your latest twitter message with colored squares. no more, no less.


  • Twitdom - A comprehensive database of Twitter Applications with thousands of apps categorized, tagged, and ranked.
  • - A twitter gallery that show cases all twitter applications. Growing daily.
  • Twitter News - Latest news about twitter at one place
  • Twi5 - A one stop shop for finding cool twitter applications.
  • Twtapps - We develop simple, fun and useful twitter apps. Our apps don't require username/password!
  • App list - A monster list of all web based twitter applications:


  • Polka - A personal observation engine and health logger for web for private, health team, and twitter posts and metrics and view trending charts of key personal metrics.


  • -  New!  Social Media CRM Dashboard. Analytics reports, Twitter list management, follow/unfollow tracking, powerfull followers search engine and more. 
  • FriendLynx - New! Create Twitter Lists with your Facebook Friends 
  • TweetFind - New! Search, Discover & Follow Twitter Lists. From Celebrities, Books, Music, Fashion, Food, Comedy & More! @TweetFind


  • - New! Twitter ranking of the most recommended tweeps based on the #followfriday recommendations. Check who recommends you and who you have recommended. @followfridaycom
  • New!- find coupons and offers in your locality. Redeem and save your money.
  • tweetzi LOCAL - A local classifieds service that makes use of local Twitter data to provide a way for users to interact and communicate at city level.  Users can browse and post tweets across dozens of categories in a similar fashion to services such as Craigslist, Oodle and Gumtree.
  • GeoFollow - Local Twitter Search - Geo (location based) twitter user directory. (Add youself on twitter by sending @geofollow YOUR CITY, YOUR STATE YOUR ZIP #tag1 #tag2 #tag3. EG: @geofollow Walnut Creek, CA 94596 #directory #geek #people. Largest location based Twitter Directory on the net.

  • GoTwitr - GoTwitr has a 'Local Follow' search that lets you search and add followers in your local market.  What is great about this tool, is that you get to preview the Twitter accounts before you follow them, so you can truly pick people in your local market.  If you have a local business and want to tweet coupons to your local customers, this is a super tool.Here is a video on the Local Follow.

  • Textwit - Textwit is a full featured Twitter client for Windows, capable of adding timelines from places (with its integrated place locator), find places mentioned on a tweet and add as many place timelines you like and see what people are tweeting there. Plus it has the whole set of features you come to expect from others.

  • - is a location-based social shopping app that allows you to share photos and tweets on amazing finds as you stumble upon them. You can tweet using our iphone app or add a "just bought" button to your online store! Go shopping and discover where the hottest deals are in town and get instant feedback from your twitter community!
  • Tweetmondo - Share your location and meet people nearby in real time.
  • iAte - Automatically tracks tweets about restaurants.  Find out what twitter users are saying about restaurants near you.  What are they eating?  What local restaurants are popular?  Share what you ate.
  • Localtweeps - Localtweeps was created to help localize the Twittersphere. Get found and find Tweeps in your city and zipcode.
  • Map Your Friends - A script from Twittas? that locates your last 100 friends on the map
  • StreetMavens - Real time social media and information by City and category.  Post photos to Twitter, easy to Reply and RT, view recent @replies. Also features local maps and radio. Full mobile site (including photo uploads) and API available.
  • ChirpCity is Twitter by city.  Local search, latest tweets about and from your city and a top users list.
  • Windy Citizen Twitter Tracker is a Twitter buzz tracker for Illinois' special election to replace Rahm Emmanuel in the United States' Congress. Graphs their Twitter mentions over the last two weeks, pulls quotes from linked articles and lets you sift through messages mentioning all of them. It's the first local, political Twitter mashup.
  • Twitter Users by Location. You can find list of Twitter User organized by Country.
  • It's On - Easy event-casting using Twitter. Add an event by simply sending a message to @eventin city: event info. Search events in your city and "unbored" yourself.
  • Tweeple of India - A listing of tweeple from India
  • Breaking San Francisco News - One of many Breaking News city sites that aggregate the best Twitter feeds in a city by category: news, events, shopping, food, etc. Also Los Angeles, NYC, Boston, London, Toronto. See one of the sites for a list of all cities.
  • - shows you what people are Twittering about in your city.
  • - Find, rate, review and Tweet about the best local businesses in your neighborhood or around the World.
  • Des Moines Twitter Trends -- Up to date Twitter Trends around the Des Moines, IA area.
  • LocaFollow - A Tool For Searching and Following Local Twitterers - A Twitter search engine that enables you to locate and follow Twitter users by searching in their Bio and Location fields.



  • Promoted Tweeps - New! Become a Promoted Tweep on Pay only for the new followers you get from our network. Unlimited ad clicks and impressions until you run out of follows. You only pay for the follows you get directly from our app network. You pay as you go, there are no contracts or activation fees. Target by country and language. Pay from 0.50USD per follow. @followfridaycom
  • Gremln- FREE Twitter Business and Marketing Tools. Recently named a "Top 5 Twitter Business App" by PCWorld Magazine and CIO Magazine.  Features: Full Client, multi-user management, schedule, recurring, calendar, translation into over 40 languages, spell check , URL shortener, multi-user management...& more! (
  • - Increase your sale using where you can host your offers and discounts about products.
  • twitAdmin: Twitter Marketing Platform - effective way to promote your blog, products, website or videos. Exchange your tweets for credits
  • Advertise On Twitter - Advertise on Twitter! Buy and sell advertsing in Twitter streams. Publishers can donate a % of their earnings to their favorite charity or cause.
  • - PayPerTweet connects advertisers to Twitter users in a way that allows the user to be both, selective and genuine.  Users will only tweet ads that are right for them, their followers, and the client.  This allows the advrtiser to connect with the Twitersphere in a conversational and organic way, a new paradigm in marketing.
  • - A twitter service help to maximize your product sales. Affilates can also use the service to boost their sales.
  • iList Micro - A micro-classifieds service built on top of Twitter. It’s an easy way for you to tell people you have something, or you want something. Participating in iList Micro is as easy as adding an #iwant or #ihave to the end of you status update. This gives everyone an open, real-time marketplace to search through at any time.
  • - The Twitter Marketplace. Tweba is the Free way to buy and sell your stuff on Twitter. Tweba allows you to auction your stuff, sell your stuff for a fixed price or link to your stuff already listed on other sites all for free. To get started either add a Listing directly on Tweba or enter a Tweet on Twitter with #ihave or #wanttosell and your tweet will be added to Tweba.
  • Breaking San Francisco News - One of many Breaking News city sites that aggregate the best Twitter feeds in a city by category: news, events, shopping, food, etc. Also Los Angeles, NYC, Boston, London, Toronto. See one of the sites for a list of all cities. Breaking News city sites encourage local Chambers of Commerces and merchants to participate in tweeting their deals of the day.

Media - Photos and Videos in Tweets

  • ThumbSnap New! - Share your photos on Twitter. Fast, free, simple and unlimited storage. Sign-in with your Twitter account (using oAuth so no password required) to upload multiple photos in one go and share them on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Digg, Reddit and many more. API available for developers and applications/websites.
  • Tagxta! Post, Share and Track videos, photos, songs, events, documents, notes, links and more on Twitter and Facebook. Follow @tagxta on Twitter
  • TweetMyCards - Send beatiful and free ecards to all your followers or any specific Twitter user. Cards for Christmas, New Year, Birthday, Love and Flowers.
  • tDash - Share you pics on Twitter. Supports OAuth based login (no need to share your password)
    Also available for Android.
  • fumpr - The World's fastest image hosting and now integrated with the Twitter API. Instantly upload your image and tweet.
  • - Tweet and share screen shots of your favorite websites.
  • FolExt lets you share photos on Twitter. You can post pictures to FolExt from your phone, our API, or through the site itself. There are also popular twitter clients that have built-in support for FolExt.
  • Hashwork - Hashwork lets you attach files, images, and Wiki-style formatted text to your tweets on Twitter.  You can tweet files, images and formatted text from the Hashwork Web site and from email.
  • Imj.Tw(eet) A free service for Facebook & Twitter users providing secure image uploading and sharing. All you need is a Facbook or Twitter account to begin.
  • - A Twitter background generator which will create a custom background made up of your friends' profile photos.
  • - #1 site for Free Twitter backgrounds. Even offers 100% custom designed for businesses. Uses API to install.
  • - Tweet pictures of food from restaurants or recipes. Like a TwitPic for foodies.
  • TwitrPix - Upload, share and post photos to Twitter from mobile, desktop and email.  All photo comments are posted to Twitter as @replies.  For developers, a simple API for integration into other Twitter-based apps.
  • wImg - Upload Images - shortest URLs available for members - really short URLs for guests.
  • - Simple but unique URL shortener designed to share photos, videos, and websites easily with others
  • PhotoShare - Social network allowing both photos and comments.  Twitter ready!
  • eggURL - Create and Share Shortened eggURLs - URLs, e-mail, text, and images. Utilizes the Twitter api.
  • - Share photos, images, screenshots, sounds, YouTube / Hulu / IgniteCAST videos on Twitter.  API
  • StreetMavens - Post photos to Twitter. Full mobile site (including photo uploads). Real time social media and information by City and category.  Easy to Reply and RT, view recent @replies. Also features local maps and radio. API available.
  • - „Hear I am!“ - trottr allows you to send audio messages to anybody around the world. Any time - and from anywhere. All by making a simple phone call. All your updates are being sent to your twitter timeline automatically - you can even answer by phone. Utilizes the twitter api.
  • TweetPhoto - Photosharing made simple.
  • Twitc - Photo and video sharing community with multiple albums, unlimited storage, batch upload/download, favorites, comments, ratings and YouTube, Hulu, LiveLeak, and Yahoo Video support.  API and mobile uploads available on request.
  • Twitizer - Easily share long messages, photos/pictures (optionally geotagged), video clips and audio clips (including podcasts) from your mobile phone or PC and get them published on Twitter, without any special application. All you need is e-mail, MMS or a browser. App developers can get access to Twitizer's API on request.
  • TwitPic - Share photos on twitter.
  • Twitgoo - Share photos and videos on Twitter.
  • TinyPic - Upload, edit, and share images and videos to Twitter.
  • Virl - Share Photos, Shorten URLs & Spread over 300 News Stories all in one place.
  • - Post a picture on a Flickr account and announce it on Twitter.
  • GoldMail - Create, Record then Share Audio Slideshow messages straight to Twitter.
  • Scribbr - Draw into a canvas and post it to Twitter.
  • elog - Extend your tweet just by sending an email to  The email Subject is your tweet.  The tweet will also show a link to an auto-generated web page that contains your entire email, including HTML formatting, images, ... whatever your email application can dish out.

Multi-account Management

  • -  New!  Social Media CRM Dashboard. Analytics reports, Twitter list management, follow/unfollow tracking, powerfull followers search engine and more.
  • Gremln- FREE Twitter Business and Marketing Tools. Recently named a "Top 5 Twitter Business App" by PCWorld Magazine and CIO Magazine.  Features: Full Client, multi-user management, schedule, recurring, calendar, translation into over 40 languages, spell check , URL shortener, multi-user management...& more! (
  • Socialized Card : Lets your followers access your entire social network profiles. Socialized Card holds your entire social identity. Let your viewers connect with you on all social network site's you belongs to using your twitter profile url
  • Business.PeopleBrowsrManage several Twitter accounts through a single login. Control who can share your @Name. Manage all your networks through one dashboard. Live updating of your team member responses. Assign tweets to your team members to follow-up. Set a tweet to be sent at a specific date and time to deliver a stady-flow of updates. Share your brand @Name with your team members without revealing passwords. Analyze positive and negative tweets for any keyword or brand, then reclassify Twitter posts and put them in a report. See in real time what your team members are doing and assign WIP statuses to posts. See how many times you have been retweeted and manage your personal relationships online: follow, unfollow, filter and message quickly.
  • ComboTweet - An AJAX-powered Twitter client that lets you use multiple accounts simultaneously. ComboTweet is open source, and also incorporates auto-refreshing and Twitter search. This is in beta, so please tweet at @jnpdx or @combotweet for help, requests, bug reports, etc.
  • Hashwork - Hashwork equips every employee in a company to connect and share Twitter-style in three ways: (1) publicly with customers, prospects and others, (2) internally with co-workers, and (3) in groups, involving people inside and outside the company. Hashwork provides a social presence on the web for the company and its community of employees, customers, prospects and partners. Hashwork integrates bi-directionally with Twitter, so that you can automatically share your tweets with your company's community, and you can attach files, images, and Wiki-style formatted text to your tweets on Twitter.  You can roll up all public posts from your company's community into a single Twitter account feed.
  • My.PeopleBrowsrMy.PeopleBrowsr is a real-time search engine and data mine for you to look into the pulse of digital conversations and engage across multiple social networks simultaneously. With filtering, you can bubble up "memes and themes" that are important to you across any "Web 2.0" service. Manage multiple accounts and post to multiple networks at the same time. Choose your dashboard mode: Lite, Advanced or Business. My.PeopleBrowsr is web based, no download needed.
  • ObjectiveMarketer - is one of the first, enterprise grade end-to-end campaign management, analytics and community engagement solution. It has all the basic features of any content authoring and publishing tool like Posting, URL Shortening, tracking, scheduling, multi account management. PLUS it is the only available application that provides Camapign Management across Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook. It has advanced patent pending technology to measure and map the audience sentiment that lets marketers optimize their message. Analytics based on geographic location, and other demographic data, along with ability to set and monitor several keywords and competition matrix and Buzz Factor - ObjectiveMarketer is the one-stop solution for marketers. It brings strategy on social channels.
  • PRM.PeopleBrowsrFollow the right people, get them to follow you back, engage with targeted messages and make the most out of Twitter. Extend and manage your networkand filter to find people matching specific criteria (eg: People in New york, talking about "art"). PRM scans the web in real time to bring you memes and themes and the pulse of now across all your social networks. Engage with users mentioning your @Name, brand or any specific keyword right now. Autofollow targeted profilesmanage multiple accounts (up to 10 per user) andschedule your Twitter posts to reach people in different time zonesPrm.PeopleBrowsr allows you to automate direct messages to your followersand to autounfollow. PRM is web based, no download needed.
  • Splitweet - Free Twitter multi-account manager & brand monitor. With Splitweet webapp you can send tweets from all your configured Twitter accounts (with password encryption), view your friends' tweets, your direct messages, your favourites... and the most important thing: you can listen & get involved into the conversation with brand/keyword monitoring.
  • - Full featured Twitter web client with support for multiple account, keyword and topic insight, integrated Twitter, Blog, and News Search, rich User Profiles, inline Reply display, URL shortening support, and many other UI enhancements.
  • Twitomate - Too much too say?  This is a simple app to import and queue tweets across multiple accounts for automated tweeting.
  • - No time to post tweets? Send posts automaticly in the given interval of time
  • Twit Menulet Twitter client for Mac - Mac Twitter client with multiple account management.  Displays tweets in your menu bar.


  • TweetFind Blog - New! Twitter & Social Media Tips, Tricks & News
  • Flackr - A realtime news tracker that uses Twitter news sources, twitpic images and people commenting on the news.
  • Virl - Share Photos, Shorten URLs & Spread over 300 News Stories all in one place.
  • Twitturly - Twitturly tracks all of the links on Twitter and then ranks them according to popularity and other factors.  Once ranked, Twitturly displays the top links as decided by the Twittersphere on it's homepage.
  • Breaking San Francisco News - One of many Breaking News city sites that aggregate the best Twitter feeds in a city by category: news, events, shopping, food, etc. Also Los Angeles, NYC, Boston, London, Toronto. See one of the sites for a list of all cities.
  • All140 - a realtime news magazine combining twitter content with google news, twitpic and various other sources
  • Co.mmentary - Aggregates public comments from sites across the web.  Includes comments from Twitter, Blogger, Digg, Flickr, FriendFeed, The New York Times, Yahoo Answers and YouTube
  • News.PeopleBrowsrMonitor trending topics over a time interval. Create and apply your own filter or select a keyword. Publish your news Tweets and share them within your network: become a news editor!
  • TweetPlusSometimes, 140 characters just isn't enough. TweetPlus uses the Twitter and Google AJAX Feed APIs to find the blogs your friends contribute to.
  • TweetNewz - TweetNewz, a news aggregator and desktop ticker with Twitter integration, keeps readers connected to the news and content they love, all while browsing the web. With TweetNewz you can instantly post tweets about blogs, articles and events to Twitter and view Twitter social commentary around your favorite Newz*. Now your commentary or story can become as viral as Twitter itself.


  • MeetNowLive - Real-time mobile social network for nightlife that lets you tweet your nightlife activity. Use MNL Mobile for real-time nightlife scene updates by "Broadcasting" your location from bars, clubs & places and your activity will be tweeted automatically. Link your Twitter account to your MNL account under Account Settings. 
  • IsItBangus - What is cool now app.  Signup and start your tweet with <place> is bangus.  Your Tweet will be modified to include a link containing a maps of where you are, as well as phone number address, and all the bangus tweets and pics from this place.

Personal Finance

  • AktieTwits - Twit about Scandinavian stocks, market comments and investment ideas.
  • TopStockTweets  - Real-time stock tips from the highest ranked Twitter stock market experts. Get the details on today's most tweeted stocks, tags, and URLs.
  • Tweetwhatyouspend Cash tracking made simple through Twitter - answers the question, "where does my money go between trips to the ATM?" Follow 'twys' on Twitter to get started.
  • Xpenser - Track time and expenses via Twitter (or email, SMS, IM, call and say your expenses, use the FireFox Plugin, etc). Tag, search, import, export, track mileage, convert currencies, etc.
  • Twitter Finance - A UK based service that displays tweets from the financial industry categorised by a variety of topics.


  • Printyourtwitter  Print your tweets and keep them forever, create a diary of your life, add your tweets to your holiday photos, print what you twittered last month or last year.


  • -  New!  Social Media CRM Dashboard. Analytics reports, Twitter list management, follow/unfollow tracking, powerfull followers search engine and more.
  • FriendLynx - New! Find and Follow your Facebook friends on Twitter. Create Twitter Lists with your Facebook Friends. 
  • - Manage Everything you own, List all your stuffs, track them via simple comments. Access via mobile.
  • Gremln- FREE Twitter Business and Marketing Tools. Recently named a "Top 5 Twitter Business App" by PCWorld Magazine and CIO Magazine.  Features: Full Client, multi-user management, schedule, recurring, calendar, translation into over 40 languages, spell check , URL shortener, multi-user management...& more! (
  • 21Tweets - Create a new habit and change your life. 21 tweets in 21 days and you are used to another habit. Works a little like a personal coach for you to support you in your change. With calendar statistics
  • Twitter GoodiesTwitter Goodies Profile Widget + Twitter Goodies Search Widget + Twitter Integration (wp to twitter). This plugin will show your twitter tweets under Sidebar Area (Widget), Post and/or Pages. Tweets will REFRESH AUTOMATICALLY. Also it has reply option inside widget on mouse over action. Please go to Appearance -> Widgets -> Twitter Goodies to add it under Sidebar Area. Admin panel option available under Settings -> Twitter Goodies to set different color combination and twitter widget options. This twitter widget is using Twitter Goodies APIs. Integrate Post to Twitter option added to v1.0.1. Best Twitter Tools and nice Twitter Widget GUI.
  • TwitterChutney - a cool Web App for Multi-lingual tweeting. and Google Maps Mash up. Tweet in 7 different languages. ( Tweet in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Arabic, Kannada, Malayalam, ..) Experience a UI/UX live on top of the map.
  • - Increase your product sales using recurring tweets about your product and links.

  • BigTweet (now   ♥ Surf the web and post to Twitter! lets you tweet from any web page using a bookmarklet that installs on all major browsers. A stand-out feature of is that you stay on the current page - no pop-up windows needed for tweeting ● Automatically capture web page title, highlighted text and link (which is shortened for you with ● OAuth support for secure login ● Integrated with Delicious, and (track your link statistics) ● Easily switch between multiple Twitter accounts ● Include all kinds of special character symbols in your tweets. Button and WordPress Plugin also available to drive traffic to your site. Simply the fastest and easiest way to share links!

  • NutshellMail - Twitter From Your Email Inbox.  A Free Twitter client that allows you to Store Twitter Search Keywords, Track New Followers and Quitters, and Send Tweets, Direct Messages, Retweets, @Reply through your email.  Also supports Facebook, MySpace, and most webmail services. By Nirav Batavia.
  • PRM.PeopleBrowsrA tactical tool to manage your personal relationships online: follow, unfollow, filter and message quickly by multiple accounts.
  • TweetWithURL useful Twitter application automatically converts long URL to short URL in your tweet. You don't need using another application or website to convert URL.
  • TweedleDM Search your Direct Messages on Twitter.
  • Tweet-U-Later Schedule tweets 1 minute or 1 year in the future. Recurring message feature by the day, week, month or year.  Access via web browser or via your unique securely encoded email address.Full functionality is free.
  • TwittBee is a simple and pretty Twitterwall for Activity around your Twitter Hashtag. Use it, share it!

  • TXTbin - Tweet more than 140 characters. Txtbin allows you to save unlimited length text and post it to twitter easily. Very useful if you don't wan't to break longer text into multiple tweets.

  • - The Instant Blogging Companion for Twitter. Blog with video, audio, widgets, and long text; automatically posts Twitter status updates. Update: TwitWall is now OAuth enabled. 

  • More...     



Real Estate

  • TweetLister is a free service that allows real estate brokers, homeowners and vacation property owners to take full advantage of the vast, wide-reaching social network on Twitter. Simply put, TweetLister is Twitter for real estate listings. With TweetLister you can easily create, post, manage, and schedule all of your real estate and property listings on Twitter. Each tweet links back to a landing page for your listing, with all your listing information, a photo, 2 links to your website and a virtual tour, and a contact form that sends prospect information to you by email. You can track clicks on your listings, and collect leads – all in one spot. Using TweetLister's Enhanced Listings, a free feature for a limited time, you can beef up your listing landing pages with up to 5 photos, a description, 10 custom feature description fields, custom tags on your website links for greater SEO punch, and tools such as a mortgage calculator, map, school report and Walk Score™.  You can also add an unlimited number of broker profiles, with photos, that can be assigned to listings as needed. Each broker profile comes with a link to your own broker page, where users can see your bio, contact information and all of your active TweetLister listings. You can also manage an unlimited number of Twitter accounts, and assign listings to post on any of your registered Twitter account timelines. TweetLister also features a robust listing search engine, allowing users for search all listings on both Twitter and TweetLister by specific criteria. TweetLister is easy. It’s friendly. And (did we mention?) it’s free.

  • VayuZillow - Find the valuation estimate of any street address from this Twitter bot from Vayusphere powered by Zillow ZEstimates. To use, follow VayuZillow and  D VayuZillow Help to get started.

  • Gremln- FREE Twitter Business and Marketing Tools. Recently named a "Top 5 Twitter Business App" by PCWorld Magazine and CIO Magazine.  Features: Full Client, multi-user management, schedule, recurring, calendar, translation into over 40 languages, spell check , URL shortener, multi-user management...& more! (
  • Roostr is a free flatshare listing site for UK Twitter users. Using helpful abbreviations Roostr allows you to advertise for flatmates or that you're looking for a flat, across the whole of the UK. Simply login using Twitter OAuth (no passwords), construct your tweet, add an image using Twitpic, include a URL to a full listing elsewhere using and publish, it's that easy! All replies go direct to your Twitter account, freeing up your time and inbox.

  • Property Syndication (@propertychannel) is a video creation & distribution platform for real estate professionals, property owners & related business to easily create memorable video for their property or service and deliver it online to targeted sites automatically. is the solution for getting your real estate video to stand out and get noticed by more customers online!


Search Engines

  • -  New!  Social Media CRM Dashboard. Analytics reports, Twitter list management, follow/unfollow tracking, powerfull followers search engine and more.
  • FriendLynx - New! Find and Follow your Facebook friends on Twitter. Create Twitter Lists with your Facebook Friends.
  • TweetFind New! Find and Follow your Favorite Twitter users, celebrities and businesses. Search for Twitter Lists
  • RetweetFollow - RetweetFollow lets you search by keywords in URLs tweeted and to easily follow the retweeters. You can also create lists, export the results, thank the RTs.
  • GeoFollow: Search For Twitter Followers - Geo (location based) twitter user search. (Add youself to the directory by sending @geofollow YOUR CITY, YOUR STATE YOUR ZIP #tag1 #tag2 #tag3. EG: @geofollow Walnut Creek, CA 94596 #directory #geek #people
  • - shows Google and Twitter results side by side in a very clean and super fast interface. THERE ARE NO ADVERTISEMENTS WHATSOEVER. Also a browser plugin can be downloaded so you can search from the top right of your browser.
  • BrandSentiment.PeopleBrowsrA sentiment tool that allows to track your brand's buzz, customers and competitors. BrandSentiment classifies Tweets as positive or negative. Export ready-to-print brand sentiment reports.
  • Conference.PeopleBrowsrThe ultimate Conference visualizer allows to monitor the live streaming of tweets about a specific keyword or hashtag. Read people's thoughts, suggestions and impressions about a conference in the exact moment they write them. Get more from your conferences and learn live how they can be improved.
  • HotList.PeopleBrowsrHotList builds a live stream of Twitter posts for an industry, a group or an @name and analyzes the sentiment of each post and rates it as positive or negative. Monitor what are Twitter users saying about hot celebrities, TV Shows, travel destinations, airlines, Twitter Apps and much more. Interact with the stream by sending your tweets. See live trending and look at detailed profiles. As a business you can access to your Brand deep sentiment data, getting to know your customers feedback and seeing your sentiment evolution over time. Learn also about your competitors and what people are loving or hating about other brands in your field.
  • My.PeopleBrowsrMy.PeopleBrowsr is a real-time search engine and data mine for you to look into the pulse of digital conversations and engage across multiple social networks simultaneously. With filtering, you can bubble up "memes and themes" that are important to you across any "Web 2.0" service. Manage multiple accounts and post to multiple networks at the same time. Choose your dashboard mode: Lite, Advanced or Business. My.PeopleBrowsr is web based, no download needed.
  • Search.PeopleBrowsrSimple live search on multiple social networks. Search.PeopleBrowsr sorts tweets by authority, location and link to find out in a glance what the influencers are saying about subjects that are important to you or your brand. Bubble up "memes and themes" you are interested in. The live trending feature helps monitoring all the most popular keywords by time intervals and keeps you up to date with the latest hot topics.
  • Utwitbook - Utwitbook is a place to find top twitter people who share your interests, location, url and even design colors. 
  • That's So Swag - World's first real-time Fashion Search Engine. That's So Swag keeps you up to date on what people are buzzing about in the world of Fashion. Find popular products and topics with just one click. 
  • Advanced User Search - Search from name, location, and biodata with given keywords. Google powered.
  • Tweetmondo - Share your location and meet people nearby in real time.
  • Twoquick - Super-simple search of Google and Twitter displayed side-by-side. Look up stuff on Google and see what people are saying about it on Twitter.
  • Twazzup - Twazzup organizes search results so you can quickly turn the buzz on twitter into useful information. Search results include related keywords and hashtags, trendmakers along with popular tweets, twittpics and links.

  • Twifish - Extends twitter search and also searches for synonym words and phrases in twitter.

  • Twimme Find out what giveaways, contests, coupons, discounts, freebies and more are being tweeted right now by twitter users.

  • Tweeple Pages – A user powered directory of Twitter users organized by their interests.

  • tweetzi - Twitter Search & Trends - A search service for finding and teasing out useful info from the 'Twittersphere'.

  • LocaFollow - A Tool For Searching and Following Local Twitterers - A Twitter search engine that enables you to locate and follow Twitter users by searching in their Bio and Location fields.

  • - Create groups, send invitations to your followers. Twitter IM to chat with your friends via Twitter. Streaming search fom twitter and more..




  • New!- Redole is a user managed platform where you get latest information about discounts, offers and coupon codes. Save money by using coupon codes. Share coupon codes to your followers! Our unique technology bypass your coupons to millions of users in seconds.
  • - Discover the most tweeted products on Twitter. Find out what people want and what's trending. From Vibram shoes to Edward Cullen cutouts, this is a great place to keep up with trends and get gift ideas.
  • That's So Swag - World's first real-time Fashion Search Engine. That's So Swag keeps you up to date on what people are buzzing about in the world of Fashion. Find popular products and topics with just one click.
  • - is a location-based social shopping app that allows you to share photos and tweets on amazing finds as you stumble upon them. You can tweet using our iphone app or add a "just bought" button to your online store! Go shopping and discover where the hottest deals are in town and get instant feedback from your twitter community!
  • Shopseen - Social shopping for local shoppers. Sign-in with Twitter and post pics of stuff from local stores. See what other shoppers are finding in your area now. Win gift cards to the best local stores.

  • Book Price Check - a simple way to check book prices via reply and direct message to your mobile device.

  • - a clean and easy to use directory for coupons, deals, and discounts on twitter. Search or browse through a list of stores.

  • Twtwlst - A simple gift registry. Enter the occasion, products and links. Share it with your tweeple via a short url. No username/password required. (By @twtapps)

  • CheapTweet combines digg-style user ratings with Twitter conversation analysis to find the best retail deals people are tweeting about. The more a deal gets re-tweeted and spread around Twitter, the higher it goes in the rankings. Spammy behaviors like duplicate tweets are penalized.

  • TwitShop - TwitShop uses the real-time power of Twitter to help you find personal sale, trade, and auction items.

  • Twitbooks- download FREE pdf formatted Ebooks on ABAP,Siemens SAP,SAP material,Oracle9i Complete Reference,ASP

  • HowMuchIs - a quick and easy price check tool.  Tweet it the name of an item, and it'll tweet you back the three lowest prices, with ratings and direct links to merchants.  Covers millions of products including TVs, cameras, and other consumer goods.

  • bazaartwits - A social shopping site that tries to help people find, tweet and share deals.


  • ArrivedOK - personal flight arrival tracker. Automatically alert others about your arrival via Twitter, blogs, by SMS or email - right in the moment you turn on your cell phone after landing. ArrivedOK tracks your phone when it registers in a local mobile network - and immediately tweets 'Arrived OK' message or sends it by email or SMS to the list of your recipients.

  • Tweetmapper - Give your tweets location by using the hashtag #at followed be a location (place, street, zipcode, country) as the last thing in your tweet. Get an embeddable widget to display on your blog or website.

  • TwtTRIP - A simple travel organizer. Add your travel plans. We find other tweeple traveling to the same destination. We find local tweetups (via @twtvite). We display your tweets during your trip. Embed widget on your blog/website. No username/password required. (By @twtapps)

  • Sat2Twitter - Send your position coordinates to your Twitter followers using a SPOT Messenger or other supported satellite device.

  • - Sharing your bird sightings and birdwatching experience with the crowd via twitter. Bird species, date and location by @adaptive. (status @birdim)

  • - On-demand BART train times and information by direct messaging your request to @traintext

  • Twanslink - A Twitter travel service for people living in Northern Ireland. Tweet that a bus is late or a train is running behind to let others know. @twanslink


  • - New! Twitter ranking of the most recommended tweeps based on the #followfriday recommendations. Check who recommends you and who you have recommended. @followfridaycom 
  • - New! See which users get their tweets on Twitter’s home page the most. The best way to find the most influential people on Twitter  whether famous or not. @resonancers 

  • - Spanish Twitter Ranking based on #followfriday recommendations. Find the best spanish twitters. @followfriday_es

  • - Discover product trends on Twitter. See the stuff people are tweeting about and discover the latest must-have items. Think Pandora for products.

  • BrandSentiment.PeopleBrowsr - A sentiment tool that allows to track your brand's buzz, customers and competitors. BrandSentiment classifies Tweets as positive or negative. Export ready-to-print brand sentiment reports.

  • HotList.PeopleBrowsr - HotList builds a live stream of Twitter posts for an industry, a group or an @name and analyzes the sentiment of each post and rates it as positive or negative. Monitor what are Twitter users saying about hot celebrities, TV Shows, travel destinations, airlines, Twitter Apps and much more. Interact with the stream by sending your tweets. See live trending and look at detailed profiles. As a business you can access to your Brand deep sentiment data, getting to know your customers feedback and seeing your sentiment evolution over time. Learn also about your competitors and what people are loving or hating about other brands in your field.

  • News.PeopleBrowsrMonitor trending topics over a time interval. Create and apply your own filter or select a keyword. Publish your news Tweets and share them within your network: become a news editor!

  • Search.PeopleBrowsr - Simple live search on multiple social networks. Search.PeopleBrowsr sorts tweets by authority, location and link to find out in a glance what the influencers are saying about subjects that are important to you or your brand. Bubble up "memes and themes" you are interested in. The live trending feature helps monitoring all the most popular keywords by time intervals and keeps you up to date with the latest hot topics.

  • TwiBuzz - Twibuzz is a tool similar to Google Trends that let's you see how often people are using Twitter to tweet your favorite keywords in real time. 

  • Tweetfeel - TweetFeel gathers real-time tweets about whatever search term the user has entered, and then evaluates those tweets for positive and negative feelings.

  • Twindz - Discover the most discussed topics on Twitter for any 24 hours period.

  • Twist - See trend graphs for twitter topics and spot new hot topics. Graphs for last week and last 30 days.

  • retweetradar - Finding trends in the mountains of information 'retweet'ed on Twitter.

  • Tweetag - Display the 40 most talked topics in the last 24h in general, or the most discussed topics related to a given topic. 

  • Twuoted - A site that shows all tweets with the #quote hashtag. Great for finding new & interesting quotes.  Follow @twuoter for updates & new features.

  • VlaagBlocks - Vlaag Blocks is a real-time aggregator of twitter tags. Collected tags are processed and presented as trending "news blocks." Nature of news content is guided by Twitter community. There is a room for everything - surprisingly valuable news to shocking upsets. Vlaag welcomes everything as it is meant to be Fastest People′s News with a Tweest.

  • Daily Tweet - Real-time news and information service powered by the trending topics of Twitter.

Twitter Status

  • Twitter Delay - Monitor how long it takes twitter to deliver messages during periods of high user demand.  Watch as twitter battles with the challenges of more and more users on it's service.

  • TwitterAnalyzer - is one of the most extensive Twitter applications ever... basically, its a tool for Twitter users to analyze themselves or their friends, but Twitter Analyzer takes the statistics data to a much higher level... (it is called by some Twitter users the "Google Analytics for Twitter users") and rightly so, TwitterAnalyzer features more then 50 statistics measures displayed in 3D graphs and World Maps enabling surgical precision tuning of your twitter stream... you would discover many things about your or your friends Twitter presence... you can even share your statistics with your friends.

  • - Create groups, send invitations to your followers. Twitter IM to chat with your friends via Twitter. Streaming search fom twitter and more..


  • -  New!  Social Media CRM Dashboard. Analytics reports, Twitter list management, follow/unfollow tracking, powerfull followers search engine and more.

  • wpTweety - A Twitterwall for WordPress Tweets. Please use #wordpress as Twitter Hashtag.

  • - A fun way to visualise your connection network

  • - A cloud-based Twitter search engine that provides you with a list of commonly used keywords and phrases for another phrase, in cloud form.

  • Tweet Cloud - This Tweet Cloud shows you the major words found in the most recent tweets of all users or those of a specific user. This changes by the minute! Experiment with the composition of tweets to reveal interesting trendsconnectionsattitudesrelationships. For example searching on lunch often shows what people are planning to eat.

  • Twonvo.Com - View your Tiwtter Conversations as a thread - making it easy to follow a conversation and not have to search for each @reply individually.

  • - Creates a mug with the profile pics of the people you follow on it.

  • - Display your current twitter status as an image on forums, blogs, and other web services..

  • - Creates a dynamic image from your most recent tweets for use in signatures on forums, in emails, as well as direct linking

  • TwitterSplitter - Every time you post a link on Twitter, TwitterSplitter shows a number of other items in a menu across the top, including links to your own blog or website, your Twitter Grade, your name, etc.

  • Tweetag - Browse the twittosphere with nested tagclouds. You can visualize what are the most talked topics related to your search.

  • Emoji-fu - Display your Twitter status feed with full Apple iPhone's emoji support. Add the Emoji-fu Browser Button for on-demand emoji translation. No more boxy 2-byte characters!

  • Twitree - Your followers in a Tree! Expand the tree as much as you want!

  • - Twitter themes with automatic install. Choose a theme, enter username and password and VOILA !

  • fav.tweets - get a list of all the tweets your friends starred (favorites), or you can simply get a list of favorites for a list of users you specify.

  • Portwiture - Finds and displays Flickr photos based on common words in your most recent tweets, resulting in a fun and serendipitous visual representation of your Twitter status.

  • Twitterfall - View a 'waterfall' of tweets of the current trends on Twitter in near-realtime with a really simple interface. Unlike other sites, Twitterfall does all the searching, causing no additional stress to Twitter regardless of the number of people on Twitterfall.

  • long.tud3 See your friends messages positioned on google maps. Custom markers based on the users avatar, live updating and more...

  • Geo Twitter (#ll) - For the first time on twitter real time exact Geo location positioning.

  • GeoTweeter - View live Geotweets from around the world. GeoTweeter iPhone app lets users show followers their exact location with a configurable map icon, optional photo and star rating.

  • Thwoa - A completely useless, yet captivating Twitter/Jaiku visualization tool.

  • Lexigraphs - Using salient words from an individual’s tweets, topical and temporal patterns are visualized to create a portrait of the author.

  • spy - Visualizes the conversations on Twitter, Friendfeed, Flickr, Blogs and more. spy can listen in on the social media conversations you're interested in. What do you want to listen for? Great for watching Twiter on a big screen.

  • TweepleCard - Creates a business like Tweeple Card (pdf document) you may print and distribute 2 your friends. It´s funny....

  • Twitnest - Visualizes twitter's social graph as a graph. See who's following who. Auto-group, automated groupping of users in social graph.

  • TweetStats - Visualize your Twitter history, showing how often you tweet per month, per day of the week, who you reply to the most, and what applications you use. Retrieves your Twitter timeline as far as Twitter allows. Also shows a TweetCloud and how many twooshes you've had. 

  • twittermap is a Google Maps mashup for Germany which lets you search something on a map, displays all your followers on a map or shows you People in a proximity of a city. It also displays other Regions if you wish on other TLD's like .tv (Worlwide), .us,, .eu, .es, .fr

  • Tweetsmap is a german Twitter Map that is not based on GeoIP but direct inputs. Every user that wants to appear at the map has to insert his position manually, so the position at the map is as exact as possible. Find Twitters near you today! Soon multilangual!

  • Twittersphere Visualizer is a visual representation of the Twittersphere. The flash application periodically requests the latest tweets from Twitter and then animates them in the sky.

  • The Suite Spot takes live data feeds from Twitter, Flickr, blogs and SMS messages then 'repurposes' all of this into an exploratory scene which grows and reacts to the constant stream of incoming content. People can then view this content on either: the SUITE SPOT website, a digital display or a gestural interface.



  • Weatherizer - Regularly updates your twitter background and/or avatar according to your local weather. Create your own weather themes to share.

  • Tweeteorology - displays tweets about the weather, allows users to search/limit by location - by Magical Pork

  • Badwthr - Sends direct messages to followers when there is a severe weather alert in their zip code (U.S. Only) 


  • -  New!  Social Media CRM Dashboard. Analytics reports, Twitter list management, follow/unfollow tracking, powerfull followers search engine and more.
  • TweetFindTools New! FREE Twitter Management Tools. Dash, Discovery Tool, Schedule Tweets, Address Book, Klout, Clean up Tool, Follow Tool and More!
  • FriendLynx - New! Find and Follow your Facebook friends on Twitter. Create Twitter Lists with your Facebook Friends.
  • - New! Twitter ranking of the most recommended tweeps based on the #followfriday recommendations. Check who recommends you and who you have recommended. @followfridaycom 
  • - New! See which users get their tweets on Twitter’s home page the most. The best way to find the most influential people on Twitter  whether famous or not. @resonancers  
  • Gremln- FREE Twitter Business and Marketing Tools. Recently named a "Top 5 Twitter Business App" by PCWorld Magazine and CIO Magazine.  Features: Full Client, multi-user management, schedule, recurring, calendar, translation into over 40 languages, spell check , URL shortener, multi-user management...& more! (
  • RetweetFollow - RetweetFollow lets you search by keywords in URLs tweeted and to easily follow the retweeters. You can also create lists, export the results, thank the RTs.
  • GeoFollow: Twitter Directory  - Geo (location based) twitter user search. (Add youself to the directory by sending @geofollow YOUR CITY, YOUR STATE YOUR ZIP #tag1 #tag2 #tag3. EG: @geofollow Walnut Creek, CA 94596 #directory #geek #people.
  • - Spanish Twitter Ranking based on #followfriday recommendations. Find the best spanish twitters. @followfriday_es
  • tDash - A dashboard for your Twitter account. Organises tweets by users who posted them.
  • - is a location-based social shopping app that allows you to share photos and tweets on amazing finds as you stumble upon them. You can tweet using our iphone app or add a "just bought" button to your online store! Go shopping and discover where the hottest deals are in town and get instant feedback from your twitter community!
  • Retweetrank -  Retweet rank is a representative of the number of times a user have been retweeted by others recently on twitter. The top ranked twitter users, who have been most retweeted recently, are listed in the leaderboard.

  • - PayPerTweet connects advertisers to Twitter users in a way that allows the user to be both, selective and genuine.  Users will only tweet ads that are right for them, their followers, and the client.  This allows the advrtiser to connect with the Twitersphere in a conversational and organic way, a new paradigm in marketing.
  • With, you can cloak your affiliate links, share them on twitter, track clicks and earn money.
  •! - Shorten a URL and make it tiny. Post this tiny url to Twitter, Facebook, Freind Feed, Splitweet and many more. Shorten a URL in just one click with out browser bookmarklet.

  • Twitter Integration Dreamweaver Toolbar: provides a collection of tools to help you to integrate Twitter services in a website using Dreamweaver. It's provided as a Dreamweaver Extension, and adds a new category to Dreamweaver Insert Bar and to the Insert Menu. You can customize the theme and various display options to match the style of the website and this way providing valuable blocks of content to website's visitors.

  • - Twitter marketing tool which sends recurring tweets about your product.

  • Refollow - A web based Twitter relationship manager. Filter by relationship, batch follow/unfollow, lock status of favorites, remember/filter previously followed, and explore/follow other's followers and following.

  • TweetBrain - TweetBrain is a crowdsourcing service powered by the Twitter community. It helps people and businesses build more connections using the Twitter platform. TweetBrain fosters mutually beneficial exchanges through the interchange of Q&As, boosting the viral effect of social networking.

  • - Lets you maintain a wish list through twitter, by tweeting @dowant [ URL ] [ optional comment ] you automatically update your wish list with that item. The wish list can also be easily shared on a blog or through the  Facebook app.

  • Twackle - Twitter aggregator that organizes tweets about sports leagues, teams, athletes, events, and news in a single destination. Bookmark your favorite feeds and respond directly to tweets within Twackle. Add your favorite feeds into an embeddable widget.

  • TwitterCompressor is a small application that will compress and capitalize your text. The space on Twitter is precious - don’t waste it!

  • TwitterBEIS - Silverlight 3 OOB (Out of Browser) web and desktop App, hostted by Microsoft Windows Azure. 

  • - Tagalus is the largest and first hashtag resource for Twitter.  Allows getting and setting of tags via web, twitter, or an API

  • HashDictionary - the hashtag dictionary for Twitter. Update your own hashtags wiki style.


  • LocaFollow - A Tool For Searching and Following Local Twitterers - A Twitter search engine that enables you to locate and follow Twitter users by searching in their Bio and Location fields.

  • Tweetizen - Discover tweets that matter to you. Create groups based on your interests and filter tweets that you want to read. You no longer will have to scan through thousands of tweets to find something useful. You can find groups on technology, jobs, gossip, news - think, but for tweets.

  • Twitter Score - Ranks your Twitter profile based on different stats from your Twitter page. Another clever thing that TwitterScore does is to remember your profile and see how you compare against previous months to show you whether you’ve improved or got worse!

  • adCause - Advertise on twitter. Buy and Sell ads on twitter. Keep the money or donate a percentage to your favorite causes. (@adcause on twitter)

  • CheepFlow - Twitter-enabled SharePoint Workflow to address communicating changes from within a protected SharePoint Site. Tweets announcement content types as regular updates, documents with updates including the name of the document and urls.

  • CrestrTwitr - The first Crestron twitter client. Allows your crestron automation gear to send and recieve Tweets from Twitter.

  • Twitkut - Display your recent tweets on your Orkut profile page. Also, view the tweets of all your Orkut friends.

  • Twittad - Monetize your Twitter profile while not disturbing the conversations on Twitter. Either place profile or opt-in to Advertiser campaigns which allows for branding of your Twitter page.

  • BeTweeted - This is a simple and "socially responsible" pay-per-click model that allows twitterers to monetize without jeopradizing their reputation by subjecting their account to automatic spam links.  All ads are manually triggered by the twitter user.

  • WhatsYourTweetWorth - From @Twittad - get a feel for how valuable you might be to advertisers on Twitter. A fun add-on site to the Twittad offering.

  • Tweet Link Monster Get an Atom feed of all of the links that your friends tweet. That way, you can read them at one time in your feed reader when you want to do so. Never get a link tweeted via SMS while away from the Internet and then totally forget about it again.

  • Twootball -- Have you ever wanted to sit down to a NFL match with a few beers and your laptop and tweet away to your favourite team with you fellow supporters? well a new site called Twootball allows you to do just that. From the main page of Twootball you will see the stream of everything that’s going on. Down the right hand side are the latest matches to be played, clicking on them will take you to the game screen where you can see the latest tweets coming in about the match.

  • FreeTweets Cool collections of hottest Twitter Backgrounds, a totally refreshing sweet treats so that you can Tweet Fabulously! by Focusguys

  • Custom Twitter Backgrounds- Generate custom twitter backgrounds for your profile. You can insert your own text and photo in the backgrounds.

  • TweetRemote Determines tweets' content-types based on hashtags and formats accordingly for aggregating and integrating with a blog.

  • CelebrityTweet! Stalk or follow celebrities on Twitter as they tweet in real-time.

  • Twitya -  Client-side browser, directory and client. Check out any Twitter user with links to various stats sites. View and search updates and mentions. Surf to new users without page reloads. Includes a celebrity directory. Full client.

  • Social Event-based group twittering. Turns any twitter account into an event account where all attendees can message each other.

  • MsnToTwit 'MsnToTwit' is a msn add-on. Msn Personel message on Twitter account.

  • Twitterverse 'Twitterverse' was a prototype developed to offer graphical representation of social networks formed through usage of the 'Twitter' service. It offers a graphical user interface enabling efficient navigation of the user's social network and user's friend's social networks. Click here to read more

  • TwitterSnooze Hit the "snooze" button on your "verbose" Twitter friends by temporarily unfollowing them.

  • StrawPoll Tiny daily polls in 140 characters or less. More info at @strawpoll

  • Cullect Collaborative feed reader optimized for Twitter; sign in with your Twitter id, post to twitter. Cullect also auto-expands shortened urls. More info at @cullect

  • Gridjit - Gridjit is a social portal that presents a Twitter user's friends and conversations in a grid layout with drill-down features through networks via @tags and links.

  • Diabetes Tracking for Twitterholic Diabetics -- This is integration with Twitter to allow diabetics to track their diabetes and input their stats via Twitter. It also includes automatically posting their blood sugar readings from their Sugarstats account to their Twitter account if they choose.

  • Twitter Ethnography This is a virtual ethnography of Twitter conducted by three students at Emerson College for a course called Studies in Digital Media and Culture.

  • 30 Boxes has tight Twitter integration. After adding Twitter to your Web Stuff, you can view twitters from you and friends and you can post directly to Twitter.

  • A secure Google Gadget for updating twitter from your Google Homepage. Alternatively, an unsafe Google Gadget also exists, though you need to provide a 3rd party your login details.

  • If Suck a quirky little application to track everything that sucks in the world! Fully Twitter integrated. Tell the world what sucks at @ifsuck

  • Language Exchange on Twitter Language Exchange assistant on Twitter

  • MoniTwitter Monitors your website, posting updates to Twitter about load times and whether there is a problem or not. Subscribe to the Twitter account to receive updates about your site, notifications if it goes down.

  • Post Like A Pirate Have your text translated to pirate speak and post directly to Twitter.

  • PhoneTag Use any phone and your voice to update your Twitter timeline. In limited beta - first come first served.

  • Ququoo Turns Twitter into a timesheet, group your tweets to show how long you were doing stuff. To use, just befriend ququoo

  • -- Add any rss feed to twitter via your twitter login.

  • teletweeter - A live TV-Twitter site: Find other people who tweet about the same TV-shows like you.

  • telewebber - TV-Community with Twitter-integration.

  • Twash#Tag - HashTag - Complain about businesses and their customer service using a special hashtag: Twash#businessname / Twitter HashTag Directory

  • Tweet'l -- URL shotener, a la TinyURL, but it adds a Twitter client to make things handy.

  • TweetAhead -- Schedule tweets to be posted in the future

  • Twit2RSS - Read and reply to Twitter posts from your RSS reader. With this enhanced RSS feed, you may not need a separate Twitter reader.

  • Twitter Quotient - Humorous way to look at your Twitter stats (# friends, #updates) and calculate your Twitter profile! Are you a Twitter hero or zero? Keywords: twitter, quotient, statistics, metrics, index, profile, popularity

  • Twitcash -- "get paid per follower per post".

  • TwitKu -- A place to monitor your Twitter and Jaiku friends' posts in one place. Post to both with one click. "Refuse to choose!"

  • Twappi -- Daily Twitter mood. Cheer up a random sad twit.

  • Tweetdreams -- a Twitter dream journal.

  • Twerms -- Your latest 200 twits analyzed by Yahoo! Term Extractor.

  • Brabblr -- A metatool similar to twitku but with support for Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce and 10+ microblogging services. Post to one, several or all services at once and read your and your friends messages in one place.

  • Twitteria -- Answer questions beyond "What are you doing now?" , 100% Twitter based.

  • TwitThis -- add a "TwitThis" button to your website, or blog. Wordpress plugin included.

  • TwitterBuzz -- shows what sites people are linking to in Twitter posts, with relative popularity of sites.

  • TwitterChat An AJAX Twitter-Shoutbox for your blog or community.

  • -- "feed your blog to twitter". submit your blog's feed, and get your new blog posts twittered automatically.

  • Twitterholic - keeps track of followers/friends/favorites stats and sorts them.

  • Twitter Is Weird Displays random tweets as a conversation between two cartoon characters.

  • Twitter Zone -- Track URL and Words used on Twitter - List popular users and services.

  • What are people twittering about? Tracks the most common things/nouns found in the public timeline.

  • Yahoo! Pipe optimizes your Twitter RSS feed for posting to (still to do)

  • PingTwitter Ping your Twitter account from your blog so it auto updates when you make a new blog post.

  • Twitter on Foodry Restaurant review site has a "Send to Twitter" button to make twittering about a particular restaurant easy.

  • Twitget - A Twitter gadget -- a Windows Live gadget that shows your tweets on your Windows Live Space or the tweets of your peeps onWindows Live.

  • Inner Twitter - Inner Twitter asks what is in front of you? In answering you reconnect to your original happiness because to answer you must stop during your ordinary activities and turn your attention to immediate reality. A chime message is sent at selected time intervals. When you receive the chime stop. Listen. Briefly meditate. And then write about your experience.

  • TwitterWhere Makes it easy to post your location so that it's picked up by Twittervision.

  • LoudTwitter - Daily post your tweets on your blog. This is the exact contrary of twitterfeed. supports openid.

  • LocaFollow - A Tool For Searching and Following Other Twitterers - A Twitter search engine that enables you to locate and follow Twitter users by searching in their Bio and Location fields.

  • rss2twitter - rss2twitter is a freeware perl script that allow to post on Twitter every rss so also rss from Blogger!

  • TwitterNotes - Take notes anyywhere using Twitter, tag and read them whenever you want to.

  • Twitterest - Silverlight applet to show the ranking of your friends message count and other interesting stats.

  • Tweet'l - URL Shortener for Twitter.

  • Twype -- Automatically post your latest Tweet to your Skype Mood. Also track your Winamp listening and post that to the mood. Windows only.

  • SyncMood - Automatically updates your Tweet with Skype Mood.

  • @eventtrack - Tracking people in the moment, an extended topic, event, project, moment tracking system using Twitter as an interface but extending to multiple other services as well.

  • Joomla! Extensions - Add Twitter to your Joomla! web site. Joomla! is an open source content management system.

  • Twitter Packs - Find new people to add on Twitter using Twitter Packs!

  • Twitter SPY - Twitter SPY displays the Twitter public timeline in a fancy and addictive way!

  • - Create simple yes or no polls and use the 'send to twitter' feature to easily share with your twitter buddies. It's like those notes you used to get from girls back in junior high.

  • - Create Polldaddy polls and post them directly to your Twitter stream.

  • Twanslate (Twitter Translator) - Translate into multiple languages all through Twitter. Great for on the go translation when you just have your mobile phone. Just follow @twanslate and send a direct message like "d twanslate fr Where is the bathroom?". By @mdjensen

  • @checkdomain - Check for domain availability right from Twitter! Just follow @checkdomain, then send a direct message like "d checkdomain". By @mdjensen

  • Clickbank Mall plugin for Twitter - Provides ecommerce capability

  • Twuzzer Twitter/GoogleMaps mashup, also featuring the Fail-Whale massacre.

  • KnolMe A URL shortener for Twitter users. Use your twitter username as part of the short url. (example:

  • Sad Statements Sad Tweets are automagically illustrated via flickr.

  • Twiffid fetches the headlines of the websites listed in the profiles of your Twitter friends and shows them to you in a Twitter-like format. RSS feed and most clicked headlines available too.

  • FriendFeed Finder Find out if who you follow is on FriendFeed too. By @mdjensen

  • Dwigger Threaded conversations and voting for Twitter

  • Tweetwants You want stuff. Stuff is cool. You want it so much, you tweet about it. This is a collection of stuff you want.

  • Tweetfails Sometimes people get these big fancy ideas and attempt to pull something off. Sometimes it works, but that is boring. It's much more awesome when it fails. And when it fails, people tweet about it. This is a collection of stuff that fails.

  • Modelfolios online community that sends alerts of public site activity to

  • twopular - most popular trends on twitter aggregator

  • Twoogie, M.D. - Update your Twitter feed, Doogie Howser-style!

  • GTalkTwit - Update Twitter from your Google Talk (gTalk) status message

  • LastTweet - Put your recent Twitter updates in's sidebar using one of the four available styles

  • TweetValue - How much is your twitter profile worth? By @jonasl

  • vttwitter - Twitter module for vtiger CRM

  • @myflightinfo - Get your flight status by sending a direct message with your flight info

  • (with OAuth support) - 03/2009 - Post updates on a map. Updates can be longer than the 140 chars that Twitter allows. Your followers will see a link in your update that will display the location on the map you twitter'ed from. Also search for messages on Twitter by clicking on the map.

  • TwTip - Lovely tip tweets around the world

  • Writer's Database - Submission tracking app for writers, features Twitter integration. Let your followers know when you've sent out a new story (or batch of poems) for publication.

  • Viral Tweet Generator - A twitter application that has been designed to give you the possibility of creating a viral wave of tweets through your followers as well as your followers followers.

  • Twurfer - Twurfer combines the power of Twitter and you as a surfer. Now you can get and send surf reports with your cell phone! Plus you get your own surf report web site for showing off your surf reports, surfing photos, and links to your favorite surf sites. Launch your own surf report web site now!

  • vBTwitter - A Twitter integration with vBulletin that allows, as of v1.0, "Tweet This" functionality for posts and threads. Planned expansions are to occur to expand the product to support most of Twitter's features.

  • TweetIRC - A IRC style Twitter interface (in early stages)

  • ThinkClimbing - find and connect with climbers on Twitter

  • What The Hashtag?! - A user-editable encyclopedia for hashtags found on Twitter

  • - Backup all your tweets and friends. By @jonasl

  • YiqYaq - Online community radio turns twitter feeds into audio channels, so you can hear tweets via text-to-speech, blended with news, music, and other social audio.  How-to here and here.

  • TwitteReader - gives Twitter a Google Reader look, with the ability to mark tweets as read/unread.

  • Greenknob SWIG - SWIG is an acronym for 'Some Ways I Green'. Send a tweet to @greenknob SWIG: <ur green msg or tip> ,(i.e send a reply to greenknob followed by the letters 'S','W','I','G',':') and you will see it displayed at See how different people in various parts of the world do their bit to conserve.

  • BettingTwits -Tweet on about sports and sports betting including the NFL, NCAA, NBA , MLB, tennis, golf and more.

  • Ramamia – Ramamia helps you keep in touch with your family through simple and private family sharing, connects to Twitter.

  • TwitterToFeed – This tool helps you to represent specified twitter user's timeline as a RSS feed.

  • Zemanta - Blogging assistant that recognizes your friends when your write about them and brings your their profiles, homepages and pictures for easy inclusion in the post.

  • LoveHate – See how often people use two words nearly realtime. It's like a battles of two words.

  • TennisTweets - A fast, convenient way to follow and tweet with your favorite pro tennis stars who are on twitter.

  • TweetHugs - Cheer up a sad tweeter!

  • SweetTweet - Send a birthday cake to a tweeter!

  • cut.TW - a URL shortener designed for Twitters. Gives you many handy features such as shortening links ONLY for other Twitters (you can see which Twitters follow your clicks), password-protecting your links, suggesting a short link name, etc.
  • textsave - Save your long Text Files with textsave and Share Them on Twitter and other Micro Blogs.
  • - A web app that allows you to shorten, tweet and track your links on Twitter. It also caches your web pages and is ad free which makes it the fastest and the best Twitter short URL service.
  • Twitter2websms. Send SMS directly from twitter using your account.
  • Twitter Submitter - NO FRILLS HTML by Kenneth Udut. 18 Lines of HTML, Easy to Grasp, Easy to Change. Requires Any Operating System. Requires Any Browser - even Lynx! Win3.1/9x/2k/XP/Vista Mac *nix. FREE and Public Domain. 2 Methods - Safer (manual login to Twitter API) & Unsafer (auto login to Twitter API)
  • Apollo Twitter Requires Adobe Apollo
  • VTwitter. Send messages to your Twitter account directly from Zimbra Webmail.
  • TwitterMoko is a client for Openmoko
  • DriveBuy. SaaS text messaging app for Real Estate agents allows agents to tweet their property listings.
  • CrestrTwitr - The first Crestron twitter client. Allows your crestron automation gear to send and recieve Tweets from Twitter.
  • Toucan - The Twitter Client for Salesforce. Track twitter IDs for your users, leads, and contacts. Search for tweets. Save a watch list to keep track of your contacts' tweets.
  • Doctor Twitter-is the number one source for FREE custom Twitter layouts, backgrounds, themes and pictures. One Click Theme Apply!
  • iTweetReply - A service that automatically send you an email every time somebody "@" replies or mentions you on twitter.
  • TwitterAnalyzer - is one of the most extensive Twitter applications ever... basically, its a tool for Twitter users to analyze themselves or their friends, but Twitter Analyzer takes the statistics data to a much higher level... (it is called by some Twitter users the "Google Analytics for Twitter users") and rightly so, TwitterAnalyzer features more then 50 statistics measures displayed in 3D graphs and World Maps enabling surgical precision tuning of your twitter stream... you would discover many things about your or your friends Twitter presence... you can even share your statistics with your friends.
  • TweetRoom - "chat rooms" for Twitter, based on hashtags.
  • TwttrBlogs - Create Blogs and Polls to post to your Twitter account. Interact with your followers
  • Spreadit - Run competitions, promotions, product launches over Twitter, Facebook, Flickr. Create buzz, page rank, positve PR by getting people to Tweet about your product and giving away some cool stuff. Full reporting available.
  • Tweet Editor - Tweet Editor is a great little DHTML program engineered in javascript to edit your Twitter Tweets either at or on your web site.  Tweets are saved as cookies so no database or text file is needed.
  • - Create a PDF ebook of your status updates and favorites, get an xml file backup. Also publish & share it with friends.
  •  - Register your own domain and develop your own domain. Supports nameservers, URL redirect, domains, hosting and much more!
  • Tweeter Reviews - Reviews of funny, interesting and insightful Twitter accounts with an emphasis on tweeters with <5000 followers and who deserve greater exposure.
  • Recover Stolen Account - Helps you protect and recover your twitter account in seconds if someone (or some evil application) has changed your email and password.
  • - A wiki-based debate site that lets you tweet your votes/comments on controversial topics.

Other Interfaces


  • JobMotel - Discovering and posting tech jobs to twitter.


  • - New! See which users get their tweets on Twitter’s home page the most. The best way to find the most influential people on Twitter  whether famous or not. @resonancers

  • - Spanish Twitter Ranking based on #followfriday recommendations. Find the best spanish twitters. @followfriday_es

  • TwiBuzz - Twibuzz is a tool similar to Google Trends that let's you see how often people are using Twitter to tweet your favorite keywords in real time. 

  • Twindz - Discover the most discussed topics on Twitter for any 24 hours period.

  • Twist - See trend graphs for twitter topics and spot new hot topics. Graphs for last week and last 30 days.

  • retweetradar - Finding trends in the mountains of information 'retweet'ed on Twitter.

  • Tweetag - Display the 40 most talked topics in the last 24h in general, or the most discussed topics related to a given topic. 

  • Twuoted - A site that shows all tweets with the #quote hashtag. Great for finding new & interesting quotes.  Follow @twuoter for updates & new features.

  • - Localized trends.

  • - Displays the top most clicked links in your tweets. Find out a glance which posts interest your friends the most. Follow @mytoplinks for the latest statistics.


  • wpTweety - A Twitterwall for WordPress Tweets. Please use #wordpress as Twitter Hashtag.

  • - Explore your twitter network with an animated visual graph. Discover groups and new connections.

  • - A cloud-based Twitter search engine that provides you with a list of commonly used keywords and phrases for another phrase, in cloud form.

  • Tweet Cloud - This Tweet Cloud shows you the major words found in the most recent tweets of all users or those of a specific user. This changes by the minute! Experiment with the composition of tweets to reveal interesting trends, connections, attitudes, relationships. For example searching on lunch often shows what people are planning to eat.

  • Twonvo.Com - View your Tiwtter Conversations as a thread - making it easy to follow a conversation and not have to search for each @reply individually.

  • - Creates a mug with the profile pics of the people you follow on it.

  • - Display your current twitter status as an image on forums, blogs, and other web services..

  • - Creates a dynamic image from your most recent tweets for use in signatures on forums, in emails, as well as direct linking

  • TwitterSplitter - Every time you post a link on Twitter, TwitterSplitter shows a number of other items in a menu across the top, including links to your own blog or website, your Twitter Grade, your name, etc.

  • Tweetag - Browse the twittosphere with nested tagclouds. You can visualize what are the most talked topics related to your search.

  • Emoji-fu - Display your Twitter status feed with full Apple iPhone's emoji support. Add the Emoji-fu Browser Button for on-demand emoji translation. No more boxy 2-byte characters!

  • Twitree - Your followers in a Tree! Expand the tree as much as you want!

  • - Twitter themes with automatic install. Choose a theme, enter username and password and VOILA !

  • fav.tweets - get a list of all the tweets your friends starred (favorites), or you can simply get a list of favorites for a list of users you specify.

  • Portwiture - Finds and displays Flickr photos based on common words in your most recent tweets, resulting in a fun and serendipitous visual representation of your Twitter status.

  • Twitterfall - View a 'waterfall' of tweets of the current trends on Twitter in near-realtime with a really simple interface. Unlike other sites, Twitterfall does all the searching, causing no additional stress to Twitter regardless of the number of people on Twitterfall.

  • Visible Tweets  A realtime, pretty visualiser designed to be shown on the big screen at events. Choose which queries you want to show and pick different animation modes to tailor it to your tastes.

  • long.tud3 See your friends messages positioned on google maps. Custom markers based on the users avatar, live updating and more...

  • GeoTweeter - View live Geotweets from around the world. GeoTweeter iPhone app lets users show followers their exact location with a configurable map icon, optional photo and star rating.

  • Thwoa - A completely useless, yet captivating Twitter/Jaiku visualization tool.

  • Lexigraphs - Using salient words from an individual’s tweets, topical and temporal patterns are visualized to create a portrait of the author.

  • spy - Visualizes the conversations on Twitter, Friendfeed, Flickr, Blogs and more. spy can listen in on the social media conversations you're interested in. What do you want to listen for? Great for watching Twiter on a big screen.

  • TweepleCard - Creates a business like Tweeple Card (pdf document) you may print and distribute 2 your friends. It´s funny....

  • Twitnest - Visualizes twitter's social graph as a graph. See who's following who. Auto-group, automated groupping of users in social graph.

  • TweetStats - Visualize your Twitter history, showing how often you tweet per month, per day of the week, who you reply to the most, and what applications you use. Retrieves your Twitter timeline as far as Twitter allows. Also shows a TweetCloud and how many twooshes you've had. 

  • twittermap is a Google Maps mashup for Germany which lets you search something on a map, displays all your followers on a map or shows you People in a proximity of a city. It also displays other Regions if you wish on other TLD's like .tv (Worlwide), .us,, .eu, .es, .fr

  • Tweetsmap is a german Twitter Map that is not based on GeoIP but direct inputs. Every user that wants to appear at the map has to insert his position manually, so the position at the map is as exact as possible. Find Twitters near you today! Soon multilangual!

  • Twittersphere Visualizer is a visual representation of the Twittersphere. The flash application periodically requests the latest tweets from Twitter and then animates them in the sky.

  • PayPerTweet connects advertisers to Twitter users in a way that allows the user to be both, selective and genuine.  Users will only tweet ads that are right for them, their followers, and the client.  This allows the advrtiser to connect with the Twitersphere in a conversational and organic way, a new paradigm in marketing.



  • Twesents - Send virtual gifts to your twitter friends!


  • GuessWord - remember Mastermind? Well this game is similar. The GuessWord server hides a word and you try to guess what it is. Tweet any word to @GuessWord and you will get clues to the mystery word within 20 seconds. Be the first to get the points. As a never-ending game, a new round is constantly created after one completes.
  • FlockPoker - With FlockPoker you can create your own Texas Hold 'Em poker table and invite people through one simple link. It's easy and free, try it.
  • TWord_Chains - A morphing word game where you change one word into another following rules. Played with tweets so that people know when a chain has been changed. A word chain is like: MILK ... MILE ... LIMES ... SLIMED. This game is co-operative rather than competitive.
  • Tweet Words - A tweet-based mystery words games. Clues are tweeted to followers about every 5 minutes. Tweet back with your guess. A leaderboard is maintained. Follow @Tweet_Words to get your clues. Once the current word or phrase is complete, a new one starts automatically.
  • Tweet Quiz - A tweet-based quiz where you must find hidden words and phrases using clues that are periodically tweeted. For example, a challenge might entail "Things associated with a Volcano" or "A meal or food made with Eggs". Tweet your answers with an @reply or play on-line. Slight misspellings are tolerated.
  • Twetris - A tetris like game that uses the latest tweets from the twittosphere as blocks for the game.
  • Twirl of Riches [beta] - A phrase guessing game in gameshow format similar to hangman. (By @TwtGames)
  • Twtpets - A simple twitter game for pet lovers. Upload a picture of your pet. Share it with your tweeple via a short url. Vote on the cutest pet. Disclaimer: All pets are cute! No username/password required. (By @twtapps)
  • Which Twitter Celebrity Are You? - A fun quiz. Answer a few questions and we'll tell you which celeb you are most similar to!
  • Whose Tweet? - A game that tests how well you know your Twitter friends. Can you figure out whose status message this is?
  • TweetTest - A collection of 6 mini-games that use data from your public Tweets.
  • Tweetaways - an easy way to pick a random person who has tweetwed a specific phrase.  Handy for drawing winners on free giveaways on Twitter.

  Groups and Organizations

  • ConnectTweet - Groups and businesses are made up of many people, not faceless Twitter bots or a single person's voice. ConnectTweet facilitates your voices combining.
  • Tinker - Tinker is a simple way to discover events people are chattering about on Twitter.
  • Tweetizen - Discover tweets that matter to you. Create groups based on your interests and filter tweets that you want to read. You no longer will have to scan through thousands of tweets to find something useful. You can find groups on technology, jobs, gossip, news - think, but for tweets.
  • TweetLaw - An application specifically for legal professionals. Legal professionals who join TweetLaw can fill out an extended bio page as well as include themselves in up to 4 legal categories.  You can then sort tweets by categories and user.
  • Tweetworks - With groups and threaded discussions, Tweetworks makes tweeting more useful by tuning out the noise and letting you participate in the conversations that interest you most.

  File sharing and storage

  • FileSocial - Tweet your files! All you have to do is sign in with twitter, write some text, and attach the document you want to share.
  • TweetCube - Allows sharing of files via Twitter, from MP3s to PDF, Images to Excel files. Just log in and Tweet.
  • TwitDoc - The EASY way to share your documents on twitter.


  • - A twitter gallery that show cases all twitter applications. Growing daily.
  • Twitter News - Latest news about twitter at one place
  • Twi5 - A one stop shop for finding cool twitter applications.
  • Twtapps - We develop simple, fun and useful twitter apps. Our apps don't require username/password!
  • A monster list of all web based twitter applications:


  • GeoFollow- Find Local Twitter Users - Geo (location based) twitter user directory. (Add youself on twitter by sending @geofollow YOUR CITY, YOUR STATE YOUR ZIP #tag1 #tag2 #tag3. EG: @geofollow Walnut Creek, CA 94596 #directory #geek #people
  • LocaFollow - A Tool For Searching and Following Local Twitterers - A Twitter search engine that enables you to locate and follow Twitter users by searching in their Bio and Location fields.
  • Tweetmondo - Search for local Twitter users. Find people in your country, city or even street in this fun new app.
  • StreetMavens - Real time social media and information by City and category.  Post photos to Twitter, easy to Reply and RT, view recent @replies. Also features local maps and radio. Full mobile site (including photo uploads) and API available.
  • ChirpCity is Twitter by city.  Local search, latest tweets about and from your city and a top users list.
  • Windy Citizen Twitter Tracker is a Twitter buzz tracker for Illinois' special election to replace Rahm Emmanuel in the United States' Congress. Graphs their Twitter mentions over the last two weeks, pulls quotes from linked articles and lets you sift through messages mentioning all of them. It's the first local, political Twitter mashup.
  • Twitter Users by Location. You can find list of Twitter User organized by Country.
  • It's On - Easy event-casting using Twitter. Add an event by simply sending a message to @eventin city: event info. Search events in your city and "unbored" yourself.


  • iList Micro - A micro-classifieds service built on top of Twitter. It’s an easy way for you to tell people you have something, or you want something. Participating in iList Micro is as easy as adding an #iwant or #ihave to the end of you status update. This gives everyone an open, real-time marketplace to search through at any time.

  Media - Photos and Videos in Tweets

  • TwitrPix - Upload, share and post photos to Twitter from mobile, desktop and email.  All photo comments are posted to Twitter as @replies.  For developers, a simple API for integration into other Twitter-based apps.
  • StreetMavens - Post photos to Twitter. Full mobile site (including photo uploads). Real time social media and information by City and category.  Easy to Reply and RT, view recent @replies. Also features local maps and radio. API available.
  • Twitc - Photo and video sharing community with multiple albums, unlimited storage, batch upload/download, favorites, comments, ratings and YouTube, Hulu, LiveLeak, and Yahoo Video support.  API and mobile uploads available on request.
  • TwitPic - Share photos on twitter.
  • Twitgoo - Share photos and videos on Twitter.
  • TinyPic - Upload, edit, and share images and videos to Twitter.
  • Virl - Share Photos, Shorten URLs & Spread over 300 News Stories all in one place.
  • - Post a picture on a Flickr account and announce it on Twitter.

  Multi-account Management

  • -  New!  Social Media CRM Dashboard. Analytics reports, Twitter list management, follow/unfollow tracking, powerfull followers search engine and more.
  • ObjectiveMarketer - is one of the first, enterprise grade end-to-end campaign management, analytics and community engagement solution. It has all the basic features of any content authoring and publishing tool like Posting, URL Shortening, tracking, scheduling, multi account management. PLUS it is the only available application that provides Camapign Management across Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook. It has advanced patent pending technology to measure and map the audience sentiment that lets marketers optimize their message. Analytics based on geographic location, and other demographic data, along with ability to set and monitor several keywords and competition matrix and Buzz Factor - ObjectiveMarketer is the one-stop solution for marketers. It brings strategy on social channels.
  •  Gremln - FREE Twitter Business and Marketing Tools. Recently named a "Top 5 Twitter Business App" by PCWorld Magazine and CIO Magazine.  Features: Full Client, multi-user management, schedule, recurring, calendar, translation into over 40 languages, spell check , URL shortener, multi-user management...& more! (
  • Splitweet - Free Twitter multi-account manager & brand monitor. With Splitweet webapp you can send tweets from all your configured Twitter accounts (with password encryption), view your friends' tweets, your direct messages, your favourites... and the most important thing: you can listen & get involved into the conversation with brand/keyword monitoring.
  • - Full featured Twitter web client with support for multiple account, keyword and topic insight, integrated Twitter, Blog, and News Search, rich User Profiles, inline Reply display, URL shortening support, and many other UI enhancements.
  • Twitomate - Too much too say?  This is a simple app to import and queue tweets across multiple accounts for automated tweeting.


  • TweetFind Blog - New! Twitter & Social Media Tips, Tricks & News
  • Flackr - A realtime news tracker that uses Twitter news sources, twitpic images and people commenting on the news.
  • Virl - Share Photos, Shorten URLs & Spread over 300 News Stories all in one place.
  • Twitturly - Twitturly tracks all of the links on Twitter and then ranks them according to popularity and other factors.  Once ranked, Twitturly displays the top links as decided by the Twittersphere on it's homepage.
  • VlaagBlocks - Vlaag Blocks is a real-time aggregator of twitter tags. Collected tags are processed and presented as trending "news blocks." Nature of news content is guided by Twitter community. There is a room for everything - surprisingly valuable news to shocking upsets. Vlaag welcomes everything as it is meant to be Fastest People′s News with a Tweest.


  • MeetNowLive - Real-time mobile social network for nightlife that lets you tweet your nightlife activity. Use MNL Mobile to "Broadcast" your location from bars & clubs and your activity will be tweeted automatically. Open your account today and link your Twitter account under Account Settings.

  Note Taking

  • Twitnote A new kind of twitter service that allows you to jot down your notes wherever you are. It allows you to send a quick @mention or direct message to twnote, which will then be stored as a note at Twitnote. Seamlessly fitting in with your twitter experience, Twitnote adopts your colour scheme and background image from your twitter account. With support for search, export, hashtags & even a public notes page (complete with RSS), Twitnote is a feature rich and easy-to-use solution. If you can tweet, you can send yourself a quick note.

Personal Finance

  • Tweetwhatyouspend Cash tracking made simple through Twitter - answers the question, "where does my money go between trips to the ATM?" Follow 'twys' on Twitter to get started.
  • Xpenser - Track time and expenses via Twitter (or email, SMS, IM, call and say your expenses, use the FireFox Plugin, etc). Tag, search, import, export, track mileage, convert currencies, etc.


  • Printyourtwitter  Print your tweets and keep them forever, create a diary of your life, add your tweets to your holiday photos, print what you twittered last month or last year.

Question & Answer on twitter

  • twitQA  Twitqa is a twitter powered application which features questions and answers asked and answered on twitter. The application helps to maintain, categories and the discussion in the tight context so that the twitter users can make sense of the twitter conversations.


  • - is a location-based social shopping app that allows you to share photos and tweets on amazing finds as you stumble upon them. You can tweet using our iphone app or add a "just bought" button to your online store! Go shopping and discover where the hottest deals are in town and get instant feedback from your twitter community!
  • Coupon Tweet - Coupon Tweet offers a one-stop-shop for the web’s best deals, discounts and coupons. Users save money with hundreds of thousands of discounts from tens of thousands of retailers.

  • Book Price Check - a simple way to check book prices via reply and direct message to your mobile device.

  • - a clean and easy to use directory for coupons, deals, and discounts on twitter. Search or browse through a list of stores.

  • Twtwlst - A simple gift registry. Enter the occasion, products and links. Share it with your tweeple via a short url. No username/password required. (By @twtapps)

  • CheapTweet combines digg-style user ratings with Twitter conversation analysis to find the best retail deals people are tweeting about. The more a deal gets re-tweeted and spread around Twitter, the higher it goes in the rankings. Spammy behaviors like duplicate tweets are penalized.

  • TwitShop - TwitShop uses the real-time power of Twitter to help you find personal sale, trade, and auction items.

  • HowMuchIs - a quick and easy price check tool.  Tweet it the name of an item, and it'll tweet you back the three lowest prices, with ratings and direct links to merchants.  Covers millions of products including TVs, cameras, and other consumer goods.

  • bazaartwits - A social shopping site that tries to help people find, tweet and share deals.


  • Tweet Blocker - Tweet Blocker is a free resource for Twitter users and application developers. Using highly–sophisticated Bayesian filtering, we catalog and rank the top spammers on Twitter, allowing users to quickly and easily find spammers. RESTFUL API available for developers.


  • ArrivedOK - personal flight arrival tracker. Automatically alert others about your arrival via Twitter, blogs, by SMS or email - right in the moment you turn on your cell phone after landing. ArrivedOK tracks your phone when it registers in a local mobile network - and immediately tweets 'Arrived OK' message or sends it by email or SMS to the list of your recipients.

  • Tweetmapper - Give your tweets location by using the hashtag #at followed be a location (place, street, zipcode, country) as the last thing in your tweet. Get an embeddable widget to display on your blog or website.

  • TwtTRIP - A simple travel organizer. Add your travel plans. We find other tweeple traveling to the same destination. We find local tweetups (via @twtvite). We display your tweets during your trip. Embed widget on your blog/website. No username/password required. (By @twtapps)

  • Sat2Twitter - Send your position coordinates to your Twitter followers using a SPOT Messenger or other supported satellite device.

  • - Sharing your bird sightings and birdwatching experience with the crowd via twitter. Bird species, date and location by @adaptive. (status @birdim)

  • - On-demand BART train times and information by direct messaging your request to @traintext

  • Twanslink - A Twitter travel service for people living in Northern Ireland. Tweet that a bus is late or a train is running behind to let others know. @twanslink



Comments (Show all 63)

Gabriel b said

at 9:20 am on Dec 23, 2008

este es mi sitio de juegos de vestir chicas

Gabriel b said

at 9:20 am on Dec 23, 2008

y este otro es juegos de accion

Robert Campbell said

at 2:25 pm on Jan 2, 2009

Should we maybe alphabetize the lists?

Scott Carter said

at 7:12 pm on Jan 5, 2009

Put Windows Apps in alphabetical order on a previous suggestion. Other sections could also benefit from this as well.

Scott Carter said

at 5:34 pm on Jan 8, 2009

Put Mac Apps section in alphabetical order.

iag said

at 3:27 pm on Jan 9, 2009

I just added TickTagDo app to multi platform section.

Fabricio Zuardi said

at 7:02 am on Feb 11, 2009

I am unsure about where to include on this list, I see that a similar app (LinkBunch) is under "Posting and Alerts", so I am putting it there but please feel free to move it to "Others" or any other category you guys find appropriate. :)

nattster said

at 2:26 am on Mar 3, 2009

I don't know where should I put Twitnest (

It visualizes twitter's social graph as a graph with automatic grouping.

Scott Carter said

at 5:57 pm on Mar 13, 2009

It appears that someone duplicated a lot of content. I'll try to fix it now.

Scott Carter said

at 6:07 pm on Mar 13, 2009

Noticed one more duplicate section under Mobile. Fixing now.

Goran said

at 6:58 am on Mar 20, 2009

Added Android software tweets( to Search engines

Goran said

at 6:19 am on Mar 27, 2009

Added Twittley( - First Twitter social bookmarking site..Share interesting news with Twitter users

mdanderson said

at 7:18 am on Mar 31, 2009

I am adding TwitterPray ( under search engine apps. My app is a real time snapshot of what people are praying about on Twitter and what people are requesting.

johnegood said

at 1:42 am on Apr 1, 2009

Question. Any insights into how to link forums to twitter in a useful way? Specifically:
phpbb ( and joomla fireboard (

rahulj18 said

at 8:22 pm on Apr 8, 2009

Adding new webapp at the bottom

Eddie StClare said

at 12:55 am on Apr 9, 2009

Could somebody please add (maybe in the Posting category?) Its - yes another, sorry :-) - tiny url and tiny pic clone - but all under one roof, pruned web page urls or uploaded image urls urls and a message can be tweeted direct from the website, thanks.

ijansch said

at 10:16 pm on Apr 13, 2009

Fixed formatting (empty spacers between some subcategories)

Fredrickus Williford said

at 5:43 pm on Apr 14, 2009

Add to the list...:) thanks

Matthew Lesh said

at 5:48 pm on Apr 15, 2009

Added iTweetReply as "A service that automatically send you an email every time somebody "@" replies or mentions you on twitter." -

andum said

at 3:34 pm on Apr 16, 2009

Just added TweetRSVP ( under Search Engine section. Took a couple of edits and typo correction before getting a final version but all seems OK now. Thanks.

Zack Perry said

at 6:16 pm on Apr 16, 2009

I have been playing with a newly released Q&A exchange platform for the Twitter community: TweetBrain <>. It's hard to categorize it into the existing categories. Since it's a crowdsourcing platform for Twitter. On the surface, it's for Q&A, but playing it a bit, I think it has great potential for growing your social network on Twitter. An very effective way to hold online contests, to provide customer support, to raise awareness of a new business, to improve customer satisfaction etc.

Loop12 said

at 8:38 pm on Apr 17, 2009

Someone named zona deleted all app listings and put up his/her own ad banner. I've reverted it back to the previous version

Mate Varga said

at 3:04 am on Apr 28, 2009

If it is alright, I added my Windows Twitter client on the list of Windows apps.

FeedMyTwitter said

at 10:15 am on May 3, 2009

i have just added FeedMyTwiter Web Application under "Posting and Alerts" session

Villya said

at 9:21 am on May 4, 2009

Edit page shows me blank editor. Admin please look into it.

ramaboo said

at 1:08 pm on May 4, 2009

@Villya me to :(

Stan said

at 2:39 pm on May 6, 2009

Adding to webapps.

Mark Christian said

at 4:07 pm on May 6, 2009

Hey all. Things start to act funky once a page gets too big, and this one was 4.4 MB of pure text -- wowzah! I've started breaking it up into separate pages. Can anyone with free time continue that process?

andum said

at 6:40 pm on May 6, 2009

Revised to include new feature.

Matthew Gamble said

at 3:34 am on May 8, 2009

I'd like to add my twitter application - but I can't figure out what category to put it. In a nutshell, Calltweet lets you record audio tweets using any phone, so is it a mobile application or a media application? Sorry to have to ask, but I don't want to put it in the wrong place and offend someone.


robsmith said

at 2:30 am on May 20, 2009

Just added GoldMail under the media section - for posting Audio Slideshow messages straight to Twitter.


Juan C. Muriente said

at 1:11 am on Jun 12, 2009

Created a new category: "Forums & Message Boards". I believe this is an area where we are going to see interesting initiatives in the upcoming year.

David Batterham said

at 8:08 pm on Jul 5, 2009

Added under Analytics section.

James F said

at 11:31 am on Jul 8, 2009

Just added under Media section. Thanks.

Jonathan Nelson said

at 3:37 pm on Jul 24, 2009

I created a new category called Spam. Added under the new Spam section.

Gary Parenti said

at 2:51 pm on Sep 3, 2009

Hello Everyone,

Since my last visit there has been many new members..
I am so glad that my Blog Post has helped many of our
Twitter members find their way here.

I will be back next week to see what is happening here.
Just to let you all know , I have a new site for all Tweeters.
I put it together for my brother ,

The Best to all of you,
Pyradom ,

Anuj Seth said

at 3:00 am on Sep 14, 2009

Some sections seem to be repeated in the list

a said

at 10:53 am on Oct 28, 2009

Check out my Twitter Goodies Wordpress plugin:

a said

at 5:04 pm on Dec 8, 2009

Cai Chen said

at 3:12 pm on Feb 11, 2010

Glad to be here. This twitter apps list sounds pretty comprehensive. Yet I've found another one that I think it's fairly useful for searching top interesting tweeple and see what they are saying...

Here we go.

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