Calgary Professional Photographers


Your Photography Business Getting Through the Economy Storm


With the economy downfall hitting the markets globally, many corporations have expirienced struggle keeping their heads above water along with many small businesses, photography included, who have suffered the most.


This page has been created for all photography businesses to share ideas and tips on variety of topics. Please feel free to start a different topic, include your website URL, etc...


In such tough economy time, it would be great to support each other, work in a team sharing our photography passion while still maintaining a great level of respect towards our businesses.

With that in mind I would like to ask; what are your top 5 ways of getting through the economy struggle and still keeping your client's satisfaction a priority?


1. Do you increase your pricing? What does that do to your business? What do you think the positives and negatives are by increasing your prices?


2. How many products should be offered to the client? How would that effect your business?


3. How do you advertise? What type of advertisement gives you the best return on your investment? Magazines, Community Newsletters, Trade Shows, etc….


4. What do you think of the idea of working with other photographers as a team?


Brainstorming is one of the best way to enhance your business!