Page history
last edited
by preetam4u 15 years, 6 months ago
So you've joined Twitter, but where are all your Twitter buddies hanging out? Here's where!
- Twittley (www.Twittley.com) - A diverse community where user tweets decide what's displayed to the community. Think Digg meets Twitter.
- TwttrBlogs New! - On TwttrBlogs you can create a blog and with one click of a button we will send you blog title and link to your post over to your Twitter account. Not only that but TwttrBlog is a social network where members can upload photos, post bookmarks to your Twitter account, play games create a TwttrBlogs profile and much more! Need more that 140 characters to get your message accross? Try Twttrblogs.com today!
- TwitterIM
- Moms on Twitter community site for moms on twitter (@twittermoms and twittermoms.com)
- Ultimate Guide For Twitter Users Hashtags
- Journalists’ Guide To Finding Tibet Twitterers
- Boomer Authority - A group comprised of prefessionals who serve the 50+ active aging market.
- Spoonch - A web tv shows finder managed by the community of the online audience. Just send a twitt to @spoonch with a link and your comments.
- Twitter Suu - Using Twitter (@freesuukyi08), Facebook (Twitter Suu) and plain vanilla email (108presentsforsuu@gmail.com), Twitter Suu is a Participatory Social Media Project to send millions of messages to Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi. She has been under house arrest since 1989. The collaborative effort will be published both digitally and as well as published in Old Media in print. An academic research paper on the results is also to be presented later this year at ISEA2008 in Singapore (www.isea2008.org)
- Twittea - The first unofficial Spanish Community about Twitter.
- Kyte.tv - video channel for news and views about Twitter.
- TweetUps - The meeting place for all Twitterers to TweetUp!.
- TweetoSphere - Free Events, Flashmobs, Raves & Meetups for London & the UK TweetoSphere Website
- Twitter Group on Traineo - Reach your weight loss and fitness goals with other Twitter members.
- Twitteria - Topic Streams , 100% Twitter-based forum community.
- TwitTown - the unofficial Twitter community
- Twitter on Flickr - I mean, duh.
- Ma.gnolia Twitter group, twitter-tagged links on delicious
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/twitter/ Twitter Community on YahooGroups, started by the Twitter Submitter guy.
- Twitter on last.fm Twitter community on last.fm, the social music revolution!
- Twitter Community at MoDaCo - A place to discuss Twitter with like minded fans...
- Twitter italian wikipage A wikipage for a Barcamp presentation about Twitter - italian language
- TwitterFanClub (fr) An autonomous wiki-branch seeded by some french twitter-enthusiasts and powered by Pinko - french speaking.
- Twitter nanoformats Twitter nanoformats community. Semantic meets twitter. Nanoformats try to extend twitter capabilities to give more utility to the tool. Community is working in microformats wiki.
- twittering vox'ers - don't forget to leave your handle The place to talk, discuss and leave your handle on the Vox blog community.
- anyone on ning.com to start a twitter.ning.com ? (it's still available at the moment, but like they allow you only to start 10 social networks, I just can't take it on me to do so)
- ReporTwitters.com This is where freelance journalists publish parts of their tweets next to their articles. Wanna become part of this reality-style reporting experiment? Sign up! Read the reporTwitters blog for a guide on how to work it.
- Flickr Group for Twitmas
- Tweets Ning network to get and share information about tools, widgets, applications and twitterers. There are possibilities to write blogs, create groups, invite friends, install web widgets and OpenSocial applications.
- Twitter Packs - lists of who you might choose to follow, by interest, geography, and more.
- Indian Twitter users - list of twitter users from India
- qmpeople - It uses Twitter API to synchronize your personal status on the Net to meet new friends
- Twitthond - twitters community of Honduras
- Birdwatchers on Twitter - A list of birdwatchers on Twitter
- Twitter Book Club - A book club on Twitter! @thebookclub and twitterbookclub.tumblr.com. Twitterers choose a book and read it together, sharing thoughts and opinions - all done through twitter. A whole new way of combining new media with books!
- Artists, Band and Musicians on Twitter - A list of over 1000 (and growing) musicians, bands, record labels, music bloggers and more with detailed information who are using Twitter.
- Photographers on Twitter - http://twitter.pbwiki.com/Photographers-on-Twitter#
- A free Matrimonial community for Kayasthas - http://www.kayasthasangam.com
- Open The Door - Twitter Community - Login/Signup using your twitter account (OAuth based). Blogs, RSS to blog, bookmarks, files/photo hosting and much more.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 12:40 am on Aug 8, 2007
anyone on ning.com to start a twitter.ning.com ? (it's still available at the moment, but like they allow you only to start 10 social networks, I just can't take it on me to do so)
[I did post this on the community page as well]
compex said
at 1:51 pm on May 25, 2010
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