Wondering what to add for your first Twitter post? Haven't tweeted in a while and need an idea? Or would you like to start a trend on Twitter? This is the page to add your Twitter meme.
- Trend Setter? Add a suggestion on what to Twitter about and when.
- Trend Spotter? Start your related Tweet with the meme title noted in bold.

- Coin a Phrase - Use a variation on the word Twitter in your post then add it to the glossary.
- Gas Prices - For the entire month of May, post whenever you fill up your car. Include your zip code and price per gallon. Your posts should number less than 6 for the month and must be based on your personal experience. Please don't start adding Tweets based on Gas Buddy. By the way, if you want the location of your gas station to show up in Twittersearch, use the L:

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