
Twaiku (haiku written in twitter)

Page history last edited by Barry Hess 15 years, 7 months ago

(This is an entry that was put into Wikipedia and subsequently deleted. So now it's here


A twaiku is a haiku posted on Twitter, a messaging / microblogging tool. With its limit of 140 characters per entry, Twitter is an ideal environment for the brevity of haiku.


Twaiku are mostly meant to tell a story or to get a message across yet can encompass within it the beauty of the brief, intense expression of haiku poetry


An example of a twaiku:


Black socks being shown/at the 4 seasons cafe/ pure class man. Pure class.

(Written by prolific twaiku author MJ.)


Haikuyuwho is another  author  on Twitter and  is a more traditional poet writes:


Abounding yellow, everywhere across the grass, midas spilt his cache.


Student knocks fiercly, Tears because of grade, My heart stings for you.




Most twaiku would not meet the more traditional definitions of haiku, partly because they tend to miss kidai or kigo, a reference to the season in which the haiku is set. Such a stringent definition also includes kireji, or “cutting word”, a special emphasis on a particular part of the haiku. In English this is usually achieved by a grammatical break, such as here:


Weathered leather leaves

hissing through the black-night wind.

There’s fear in my heart.


A twaiku is one of the many ways in which the internet has embraced haiku.


In its 2005 contest, long before Twitter made its debut, the Haiku Society of America gave honourable mention to a renku (a poetic form similar to haiku) entitled Twitter:


The twitter

growing louder . . .



Examples of twaiku authors:



Fun places to discover Twitter haiku: 

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