

Page history last edited by Twittsplorer 13 years, 10 months ago
  • Ada - Users love Ada! Ada is the perfect little Twitter app with a clean, simple design. It doesn't hog up your desktop or distract you with a million crazy features. See and send tweets, replies and direct messages. Ada runs on both PCs and MACs.
  • - Submit your Twitter Windows App (All in one App repository for Twitter widgets, plugins, extensions, etc.)
  • The Archivist: Save and Export Twitter Searches Before They Go Away -  If you have used Twitter search before, you may notice that you can only go back a certain amount of time and/or number of tweets for a given search.  The Archivistis a Windows application that runs on your local system and allows you to archive tweets for later data-mining and analysis for a given search.
  • ATwittX Unleashed  Twitter Desktop Client:  Twittx Unleashed has all the great features of Twitter and tons of useful add-ons to help manage your tweets, followers, friends, @Replies, Direct Messages, Favorites, & More.  Would like to metion TwittX uses minimal system resources due to the development on the latest technologies and multi-threaded enviroment.
  • AlertThingy - AlertThingy v2 brings the very latest updates from your favourite social networks direct to your desktop. Plus send Tweets, update your Facebook status, upload photos to Flickr, post to Tumblr and more. With v2 AlertThingy makes it faster and easier to manage the online you. Plus you get the coolest looking RSS reader on the interweb.
  • Article Submitter Pro - Submits articles to over 1,450 article directories. Semi-automated so the user is able to select the perfect category on each site and for every article. Also allow the user to be present for "captchas" and other security features implemented by the directory owners to block the fully automated submitters. Select sites to submit to by Google PR or by Alexa Rating. Create and save favorite sites and submits to only those selected. A highly professional desktop program for marketers and writers alike.
  • Autopilot Tweet - Full Twitter automation software for Twitter marketing includes a Twitter Friend Adder / Follower Adder, auto follow, follow by keywords, follow your followers, auto unfollow, schedule your tweets and automate most of the mundance daily chores of managing your Twitter account. You can automate Twitter for an extremely affordable price.
  • BigTweet (now   ♥ Surf the web and post to Twitter! lets you tweet from any web page using a bookmarklet that installs on all major browsers. A stand-out feature of is that you stay on the current page - no pop-up windows needed for tweeting ● Automatically capture web page title, highlighted text and link (which is shortened for you with ● OAuth support for secure login ● Integrated with Delicious, and (track your link statistics) ● Easily switch between multiple Twitter accounts ● Include all kinds of special character symbols in your tweets. Button and WordPress Plugin also available to drive traffic to your site. Simply the fastest and easiest way to share links!

  • Bitter - A free social networking client that supports Twitter, Friend Feed, and Plurk. It's easy to use and yet is still fully featured including the ability to follow hash tags, do Twitter searches, auto-shorten URLs, spell checking, intellisense, upload and preview TwitPics, auto-expand URLs in tweets, groups, proxy support, has color schemes and lots more.
  • Blu Is a Vista / Win7 twitter client, it has Tiny url integration, favourites, full converstation and tons more.
  • BMS Twitter Client - A Windows Twitter Client written in VB .NET based on work by the Yedda Dev Blog. Just unzip and run the executable. Automatically breaks long messages into pieces, including replies. Uses Google to translate your language into one or more other languages - additional multilingual support can be added. New updated version coming soon! By myklami
  • BMS Twitter Export: - A Windows Twitter Application that exports all Tweets for a given Twitter Account within a given date range to an HTML file and also downloads associated twitpic images. A bit heavy on the API calls so avoid calling it repeated within a given hour.  By myklami
  • Catfood Follower - desktop Twitter tool for following new friends that follow you and removing friends that don't follow you back.
  • Chirrup - A simple Windows client for Japanese
  • CYOCwidget - A multimedia Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget sponsored by the Bertelsmann CreateYourOwnCareer initiative which manages the award-winning Jobs & Career web site.  This gadget allows you to Tweet, follow Twitter, RSS feeds, and view and apply directly to Jobs from Bertelsmann and its International network of employees, fans, companies, and divisions.  The CYOCwidget is the first advanced widget of its kind to be offered to employees, fans, partners or anybody else interested in keeping up-to-date and staying in touch with the Bertelsmann network, and its diverse social media channels.  The integrated job search, network, and enhanced use of web 2.0 tools make it a fun tool to use and stay in touch with Bertelsmann.
  • DesktopTweet - A small background utility that lets you quickly take snapshots of your computer monitor and then immediately tweet them to Twitter.
  • Digsby - A multiprotocol IM client that lets you manage all your IM, email, and social network accounts from one easy-to-use application. For IM, it brings all your buddies into one merged contact list with support for AIM, MSN, Facebook, Yahoo, ICQ, GTalk, and Jabber. For email, it offers notifications of new emails with message previews, as well as, the ability to perform actions such as "Mark as Read" and "Delete" right from the notification with support for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL/AIM Mail, POP, and IMAP. For social networks, it provides a newsfeed of events on the network and the ability to set status with support for Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.
  • DX Monitor - An amateur radio application to report worldwide DX activity and alert amateurs to activity from rare countries. Alerts and status reports can be automatically tweeted based on reception reports from DX Summit and telnet links to DX Clusters.
  • FAROO - A Peer-to-peer Web Search Engine, that integrates Twitter search to discover discussions and people related to the query.
  • feedalizr - A free deskptop application that allows you to view, rate and comment on what your friends are sharing online. Tweet, upload pics to Flickr, update your Facebook status, keep up to date with your friends’ Google Reader, Digg, Tumblr, YouTube and posts on Friendfeed. Use unique filters to reduce the noise. Duplications are filtered out. -- by MIH SWAT
  • feald - Twitter media center, serch tweets and download youtube videos, feald offers free twitter tools.
  • Flotzam - A Mash Up of Twitter, Flickr, Facebook and blogs, completely configurable -- by Karsten Januszewski and Tim Aidlin
  • Formulists - Formulists builds dynamic Twitter lists that are personalized for you and updated daily. Formulists-generated lists continuously self-update and can be viewed or deleted from any Twitter client! Use them to filter your following, find new people to follow and manage your following. 
  • Fosimo.TR - free twitter client for windows which will help you keep track of your twitter account without browsing through twitter: tweet, sychronise with friends status updates and more -- by x2line
  • - The Twitter/Facebook client for the person always on the move!  Automatically tracks your location (Home, Work, Starbucks, etc.) and combines the information with status updates.  Super discreet interface that doesn't bombard you with messages.  Microblog and get back to what you were doing.  Check out the intro video.
  • Friendbar- A Firefox toolbar that is the best way to follow Twitter & Facebook updates, and post to Twitter and Facebook
  • GeoTweeter - Puts the 'where' into your tweets! Messages automatically include a '' link, showing followers your exact location with a configurable map icon: say more about places you visit with an optional photo and star rating.
  • GoTwitr- GoTwitr combines all the best features from automation apps into one simple yet powerful site.  GoTwitr offers a whole new concept in building a smart Twitter community.  When you give this great service to your followers, they will promote you to their followers.  Their followers will also promote you too, at every generation, making a smart viral growth of REAL users. Never blindly follow or purge again! Gotwitr lets you preview users before you take any action. Local, mimic, and keyword follows are easy to use and powerful too.  Define your community into groups, and bulk message with personalized messages.  Other automation features too numerous to mention here.
  • GtkTweeter -- a Twitter client for Linux and Windows which using GTK. 
  • shows Google and Twitter results side by side in a very clean and super fast interface. THERE ARE NO ADVERTISEMENTS WHATSOEVER. Also a browser plugin can be downloaded so you can search from the top right of your browser.
  • Hot Twitter Spy - Windows Application that helps you to manage multiple accounts. Mass Follow/UnFollow options. Auto-Follow Feature allows you to specify min/max friends and followers and it will autofollow those meeting criteria.
  • iClippy - Windows application that provides a transient online clipboard for the images, making copy-and-paste operations work online as seamlessly as it does offline.  There's a "post to Twitter" option as the image gets uploaded, makes posting visuals to Twitter a snap
  • JabberTwitterBridge -- Java application to update Twitters, Jabber's status (google talk gtalk) and Google calendar together (for example : In a meeting until 15h12) (Twitter to google talk, google talk to twitter, google calendar to google talk and google calendar to twitter) MrCba
  • jata - jata stands for just another Twitter App. Jata is a Google Talk like Twitter Application which was developed using and Twiteroo Twitter API framework. This application automatically checks for new messages periodically. You can post your status right from jata post message screen. You can also reply to tweets using this windows application.
  • KlipFolio - World's smallest personal dashboard to track Twitter Updates, with instant notifications.
  • L0K8 - a tiny app that auto-updates your Twitter location when you move from place to place. Written by the founder of PBwikiDavid Weekly.
  • MadTwitter -- a clon of Twitterrific for Windows which doesn't require .NET -- by Sacha Fuentes
  • Media Center Status Application - Updates your Twitter status according to what you do in Windows Media Center and displays your Twitter friends' status updates in Media Center. Requires Windows Vista or 7. By Jussi Palo
  • MeshWrite - is an ideas editing space that integrates with Twitter.
  • mTweet - is a full mobile twitter client application running on Windows Mobile 6 or higher. By incubi.
  • MyPostButler - is a windows .net desktop application that has three different functions  1/ autofollow based on keywords,  2/ Direct Bulk Message,  3/ Bulk Unfollow users sorted by those who follow you and dont follow you back.  
  • Nearby tweets - Find twitterers nearby (or anywhere for that matter). Add to the fun by searching new locations and using keywords. By Brian Cray
  • Netsplorer for Twitter (Twittsplorer) is a free application download that resides on your desktop in the form of a ticker tape. It scrolls your favorite RSS tweets as well as any RSS feed you add in its library. The scrolling headlines are clickable and a visual alert is displayed on any feed update. It keeps you on the top of the news. Powered by The Twittsplorer MAC version will be available shortly.
  • NitTwit - A simple and clean Windows Twitter client developed on .NET 2.0 and written using C#. By Mate Varga.

  • NutshellMail - Twitter From Your Email Inbox.  A Free Twitter client that allows you to Store Twitter Search Keywords, Track New Followers and Quitters, and Send Tweets, Direct Messages, Retweets, @Reply through your email.  Also supports Facebook, MySpace, and most webmail services. By Nirav Batavia.

  • OutTwit - OutTwit (Outlook + Twitter = OutTwit) Use Twitter from Outlook.
  • Post To Twitter - Post tweets from Microsoft Excel. VBA-based add-in for Excel 2000-2007.
  • Public Timeline Screensaver - Screensaver that shows the public timeline.
  • Pwytter - Free open source Twitter client written in Python by PJ Coudert. User Interface in 14 languages.
  • qStatus - qStatus is the fastest, coolest and most efficient way to tweet and update your Facebook status on your PC.
  • Quitter - Quitter is a Twitter client that doesn't announce itself to the entire cube farm; it runs in a command window (or "DOS window"). There's no installer and no entries in the Start Menu; it will run from a thumbdrive. It's a single small EXE file (about 105k) and it stores its settings in a small XML file.
  • QckTwit -- A simple Twitter app that you can activate anytime by Shift+Alt+T and it would pop up presenting a text box to enter your update quickly. As soon as you press Ctrl+Enter, it will send update to Twitter and get out of your way. Separate box for URL. If your message exceeds Twitter's limit then it will automatically break it down in multiple twits and color those extra chars differently. Open source, requires .Net 3.5 -- by Shital Shah
  • QKTwit - Super lightweight Twitter client, Written on the Abobe AIR Platform, aims to be feature rich but small and low memory footprint. By Daniel Rivers
  • QuickTwit Lite V1.01 - Or QuickTwit V2 - QuickTwit by Microtronix is a brand new LightWieght Twitter app.  Very lightweight.  With only 6MB in memory usage, it sits in your tray and won't bother your work.  You can not only tweet, but you can view your tweets.  All in only 6MB.  When Air apps take up a whopping 226MB memory!  This sweet little app only uses 6!  The more comments we get on this little gem the more options we might add in the future, all lightweight of course.  Version 2 comes with more toys!

  • Seesmic -now to stay in touch with a simple clean twitter app written on the Adobe Air Platform . 
  • sociagami -- sociagami allows you to manage your multiple social network statuses from one beautiful Windows application. sociagami currently supports Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter status.
  • Statuzer - The Twitter Media Client
  • StickyTweets - An open source, lightweight client written in Win32 C/C++ for Windows XP SP2 or greater. No additional frameworks required. By MrTyzik
  • STS - ShortSearch Twitter Shortcuts (STS) Quick Overview Video. The STS Windows Tray APP is providing customizable Twitter, Multi Sessions with maximum Customization flexibility for all Twitters API. and Integrated Social Networking Application. The STS APP can Archive all Search and Twitter API results on your local hard disk, also allows 2 continuous monitoring sessions and providing the user Alerts, based on predefined RegEx pattern. Despite the fact that the STS is providing maximum flexibility and maximum customization, it is very easy to use, and simple to understand. The STS APP can be configured by user for the Auto Poll of any Twitter API and archiving it . All key features are mapped to different Hotkey Shortcuts and can be customized by user.
  • TeleTwitter - A Windows Twitter application that tries hard to be simple and beautiful, like its web 2.0 name sake.
  • Textwit - Textwit is a full featured Twitter client for Windows, it was developed using the Mozilla platform so it is fast and stable. Textwit have some advanced features like uploading pictures to Flickr, adding timelines from places with an integrated geocoder, an efficient auto-expander of all kind of shortened URLs and a website previewer to name a few. Plus it has the whole set of features you come to expect from others.

  • Threeter Open source Twitter client that makes updating your status easy as 1-2-3: press the hotkey combination, enter your message, press Enter. Supports multi accounts and is netbook friendly :-) by Devv
  • Togi Twitter Client Togi is developed on .NET 2.0 with C# and is a open source software by Oguzhan
  • triQQr -- Twitter Client for Windows v0.2 with posting, profiles, direct messages and link to homepage of user
  • TheTwitterBot -- Twitter client for windows. It is an automated robot that can follow by keyword new friends, can stop follow those who don't follow, can update your status by your pre-made messages, can follow those who follow you, can send massive DM, can auto reply to those you follow, etc.
  • Twadget - A Windows Vista sidebar gadget by Rod Begbie
  • TwApp! for Windows -- by Harper Reed (Requires .NET 2.0)
  • Twair a twitter desktop client powered by extjs & adobe air
  • Tway a simplistic windows client which doesn't disturb you so much
  • TweetMind a fully featured desktop app supporting multiple color coded accounts, groups, automatic URL shortening, CoTags and much more
  • TweetSwitch Tweet and receive your tweets using any instant messenger (MSN, Yahoo! messenger, gTalk, QQ, ICQ, AIM etc..). Nothing to download, nothing to install and it's free. Configure your account now at .
  • Tweet-SQL is a Twitter Client for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and above. Over 30 procedures allow you to leverage the Twitter API with standard TSQL.
  • Tweet All About It! -- Tweet any snippet of text directly from your browser (Internet Explorer and Firefox supported). By iElectrify (@sherice on Twitter)
  • TweeterScope - Desktop app for managing all 3rd party Twitter web applications. Navigate around all with a click of a button. Add and modify functions included to keep it always current as new apps become available. Users can add in their own Twitter Home Pages, and any other site for management.
  • TweetSheet is a full function Twitter client, purely based on Microsoft Excel, by Alex Fung. (@alefung on Twitter)
  • TweetDeck is your personal browser for staying in touch with what’s happening now, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook and more. (Beta, Need Adobe Air) (added by Dave @vipstatus on twitter Not affiliated with TweetDeck)
  • TweetPocket - TweetPocket is a fast, fun, easy to use Twitter app for Windows (XP, 7). TweetPocket shows you everything you could possibly want and isn't bloated with features that you don't.

  • TweetPurge - Save your tweets locally, delete old tweets.

  • TweetWhistle -- Twitter client for windows. A unique program that allows you to automatically send follows to targeted users and will post your updates, follows, unfollows, messages, and much more for you.  Free trial download available.
  • Tweet Your Site - Supercharge your tweet stream by autotweeting. Use the content you already have to leverage your website's pages and create a non stop flow of tweets to your twitter account. 
  • Tweet-U-Later Schedule tweets 1 minute or 1 year in the future. Recurring message feature by the day, week, month or year.  Access via web browser or via your unique securely encoded email address.Full functionality is free.  
  • Twessenger -- a Twitter add-in for Windows Live Messenger 8.1. Sets your personal message to your latest tweet! -- by Kunal Kundaje
  • Twibble for the desktop is a twitter client built on top of the new Adobe AIR platform. It provides easy twitter access in a user friendly way.
  • Twidium - program for increasing your number of Twitter followers. Twidium - clever mass following.
  • Twidget for Konfabulator/ Yahoo! Widgets Post from your desktop.
  • TwInbox - Use Twitter from Microsoft Outlook.  (TwInbox was previously called OutTwit)
  • TwiPing Twitter Contact Management Software. Easily generate a following with interests similar to your own. Follow batches of targeted and relevant users with one click. Identify friends who are not following you back, and unfollow some/all. Identify followers you are not following, and follow some/all. Identify people who have recently stopped following you. 
  • TwitBabble  Desktop Twitter client that provides scheduled tweets, url shortening, image sharing and all other Twitter functionality.
  • Twitpoop - The twitter pooptracker - tracking the bowels of twitter.
  • Twit4Live -- A Messenger Plus! Live Script that adds twitter interaction to Windows Live Messenger
  • Twit4Trivia -- A trivia application for twitter featuring more then 64000 questions and various statistics.
  • Twitcher - Straight-forward desktop Twitter client (in Adobe AIR). Features include image and URL preview, multi-account, auto-shrink, extensible link shortener list.
  • TwitOnMSN - A fully featured twitter client working on Window Live Network. Just add to contact list to try out.
  • Twitterloo - Twitter search engine, search twitter and watch youtube videos on the fly
  • Twitter Thingy - A very simple Adobe air based Twitter client for windows, OS X and Linux. It has all the essential functions that get you using the best parts of Twitter as quickly as possible, without having to learn a colossal new bit of software. It also does groups and archiving as well as threaded replies.
  • Twitsy - Twitsy is a open source, VB.NET Application which shows basic integration of twitter API and .NET Framework 2. -- by rui(JumpByte)
  • Twitter Analyzer - is a comprehensive analyzer of all aspects of tweeting, from estimating follower growth to assessing geographical follows.
  • Twitter CLI - Easy to use Command Line Interface allows submitting tweets to Twitter from the Windows CMD Prompt or 'Run' box -- by Jason Fowler.
  • Twitter Desktop - A How-To for making TwitterVision your desktop background, watch live tweets while working.(not an app)
  • Twitter Friend Killer - Do you have too many twitter friends that didn't convert to followers? Well... now you can just kill 'em off with the Twitter Friend Killer.
  • Twitter Gadget - A Windows Vista Desktop Sidebar Gadget that helps you keep track of all the sweet tweets! Fetches tweets from and updates them every 10 seconds.
  • TwitterChecker -  A windows desktop application that popups a balloon each time one of your friends tweet. It's done using Delphi and it's Open Source.
  • TwitterLuki - Know immediately who and when unfollows you. Free. Windows XP / Vista / 7 
  • Twitter It! - A Windows .NET Desktop Application created by Travis James, currently on Version 1.0.
  • Twitter Submitter - now available. For Windows 95/98/2k/XP (tested) Submit Twitterings to without using a web browser! Submit Private messages as well! (D username message)Kenneth Udut (
  • Twitter-Sync (Yahoo Messenger Plugin) - Keeps your Yahoo! Messenger status and Twitter in synchronization. Update your Yahoo! Status to create a new tweet. Your new tweets update your Yahoo! status. Also keeps track of your twitter friends from the main messenger window with alerts, pop-ups + more... -- by WackyB.
  • Twitterbox -- Twitter client for Windows made with beon widget technology.
  • TwitterIM -- Get/post updates on twitter using your google chat account (gtalk). Works just like Twitter IM functionality which is currently disabled. Sends message to you on chat if you friends post updates. You can message it and it will update your twitter status. By itsfrosty.
  • Twitterlicious -- Twitterlicious is a small app that makes using Twitter more fun. It handles all the hard work, leaving you to read and write tweets with the minimum fuss. Best of all, *Twitterlicious is free*!
  • Twitterlights -- Twitterlights is an integrated feature of i-Lighter 2.1 allowing one-click tweeting and content saving with your mouse -- all free!
  • Twitteroo 1.4 for Windows released on 13 March 07 (by RareEdge Design Group) - *new* features include font resizing, transparency, sound notifications, built-in URL shortening. Programmable API!
  • TwitterYM - a tiny ruby script that updates your Yahoo Messenger status with your latest Twitter one (requires Windows and Ruby) - by Alex Brie
  • Twittget Twitter Vista Gadget, that features a small docked mode, a large float mode and Direct Messaging support. by mayu
  • TwittIt - A system tray application for easy posting to Twitter by Denis Briel
  • Twittle - A lightweight Twitter client for Windows (XP, Vista). Clean un-cluttered UI written in WPF. Updates automatically. by Twittle.
  • TwittMe! - A new Twitter Windows Client 1.0.4. Updates itself directly without user input, keeping it always as bug free as possible. Will open source it when client it's more feature complete.
  • TwitTray -- A minimalist approach to a desktop Twitter status updater. The program sits silently in your system tray until you want to update your Twitter status. Very tiny and written in old school bulletproof C++/MFC. Not to be confused with "TwitTool TwitTray" which is a completely different program made by a different organization. By
  • Twtview 1.4 NEW FEATURES: 'pm' lets you see your private messages, 'u twittername' will show any public users homepage. (Jan 27 07). For Win32. View all public timelines and personal timeline without needing web browser. Can be used at the same time as Twitter Submitter W32 to instantly see your submissions. Kenneth Udut
  • Visual Twit -- a simple Twitter posting client for Windows -- by Andy
  • @WHSTweet - An Add-In for Windows Home Server that will tweet your health status updates. -- by Donavon West of Home Server Hacks
  • Witty -- A Twitter client for Windows Vista and XP powered by the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) by Alan Le
  • WittyTweets -- A cute Twitter client for Windows Vista and XP by Tweet Feeds
  • Yakkle! - A free application that integrates together a twitter client, IM client, multi-user voice conferencing, and group desktop sharing services. -- by ZenViva
  • TweetIE - CloudBerry TweetIE is a Twitter plug-in for IE that helps you to post quotes from the websites you visit with a click of the button and attach a short Chilp.IT URL to the source page.
  • pbtweet - pbtweet is small program make your twitter experience ehnance. pbtweet enhances infinite timeline scrolling, automatically update, RT/via style quoting tweet, translating tweets, picture tumbnail badges and inline reply chains to animation effects based on Webkit's early implementation of CSS3 transitions. -- by t_trace
  • Twitter PostFoobar2000 - This is a plug-in of the audio player named foobar2000. This plug-in posts now playing track information to Twitter automatically. -- by kitahei
  • TwitterChutney- a user friendly collection of  loads of twitter apps, Google Maps mashup and more. (Under development)
  • Yasst - A small, multi tabbed cross platform twitter/rss client developed on Windows. Yasst is written entirely in C++, no additional runtime needed.
  • TwitterTimes - Don't miss your friends' status. A new Twitter Windows application based on Windows Presentation Framework(WPF) to track your friends daily. -- by naggingmachine
  •  Xobni (with Twitter Extension) - Xobni is a sidebar application for Microsoft Outlook that will now show recent tweets for people that email you.  Simply click on an email in Outlook and the sidebar updates to show you a list of possible Twitter IDs for that person.  Once you choose their ID, you can view, retweet, and reply to their tweets.  You can also tweet at any time.
  • ZScreen - Update your twitter status with a message and a screenshot, picture, text or file you uploaded using a keyboard shortcut. ZScreen is written entirely in C# and is open source
  • Twitteryam - How much is your twitter worth? Twitteryam is a service that lets you know how much your Twitter is worth.
  • RoTwee - RoTwee rotates. From version, you can tweet tune playing in iTunes.

Comments (9)


at 3:06 am on Jul 28, 2009

Be on a (slimming) diet. It's exhausting!


at 3:08 am on Jul 28, 2009

Good morning! But Good night! in Japon.Thenx! Peace!

Paul Webster said

at 10:24 pm on Jul 28, 2009

Added Twitcher - however, it is in multi-platform (Adobe AIR) so ... should it really go in multi only - or multi + Windows + Mac? Things are not consistent at the moment.

João Batista Sales Filho said

at 1:43 pm on Jul 31, 2009



at 12:57 pm on Sep 24, 2009

Do you make it to true 25%By2020?


at 12:10 pm on Sep 25, 2009

The mail address from the actress cannot be gotten because there is no money though it is desirous.
Will it be the one that manages not to become it?


at 9:40 am on Sep 26, 2009

I pray for Pole Newman.


at 12:36 pm on Oct 4, 2009

I'm so Happy! Thanx Girls. Giris next Door!! Peace!!

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